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Saturday, June 29, 2024

"SNOW" GREAT 5 mth old PUPPY!! Aussie mix plus- OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY


JULY 5, 2024 NOW on ADOPTION at Oregon Humane Society!  

Please visit Snow! 

Amazing 5 month old Puppy! and very much still a puppy (puppy- proof your home and be prepared to monitor her), but it is already evident she can be an amazing adult MUCH CUTER in person, and she will blossom into a gorgeous adult dog. Guess is, she will be maybe 50 lbs fully grown?  She is already physically proportionate, and not very tall for 5 months old.

Anyone who fosters dogs hopes for the best placement for the dogs, and Snow is one that I know could shine and grow into a fabulous adult in a smart caring home.  Really hoping that the OHS staff and volunteers fall in love with her and find Snow a Great homewhere she is loved and especially appreciated.

Everyone who sees Snow on her walks always smiles. Snow  has soft shiny smooth fur which feels nice to pet and she is has been good about handling.  So smart and learns quickly(learned "down" as in"lie down" in about 15 minutes of working with this.) Fun, sensitive, LOVABLE, affectionate, self-entertaining,  listens well, mischievous- a puppy who is always finding something new to discover, social. 

She would love a compatible (but NOT a strong drive dog- that would make her too hyper) to be a companion and it will make your life easier for Snow to have a canine companion(s) The adult dogs in her foster home really loved Snow and found her charming, in spite of all her puppy ways

Snow would do best in home that can provide a calm space where she isn't overwhelmed by too many daily changes ( so she doesn't get hyper,)  but who can also be tolerant of puppy-ways (she still gets into things and needs to be monitored )and gives her attention, mention games and exercise and continued training.

 LOVES/needs all her toys/ chew toys )(needs a big variety ) so she can go to the toy/chew toy pile select something and run around and play or settle down and chew. She is the perfect mix of about 17 different dogs - but YES, Aussie and other herding dogs are a big part of it (also Husky, Malamute, Samoyed, Chow, Pitmix, Chi, Boxer, Doxie, Mini-Aussie!)  She is a wonderful blend for the perfect pet!


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