Friday, March 22, 2024

"ZELDA" IN FOSTER Petite 33 lbs cattle dog mix?-american shelter dog mix


"ZELDA" is Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
MCAS hours/ Location

Date found: Thursday, November 9, 2023
Location found: 162nd / Division, Portland

Adoption cost: $160.00 License fee: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

 Animal ID: 302391, 1 yr 9 mth 34 lbs

In foster

Hello there, I'm Zelda! Some folks speculate that I might have been named after the Norse Goddess or perhaps the courageous princess from a popular video game. Could it be that I'm a princess too? Intelligence is one of my strong suits, and curiosity is my middle name. My foster mom often remarks that I possess a wisdom beyond my youthful years. But between you and me, I excel at reigning over the art of couch-snuggling! Car rides are an absolute delight for me, especially when I can stick my nose out the window to catch the breeze. While I'll love a game of fetch, tugging games are my favorite! Lounging on the back porch, regardless of the weather, is another favorite pastime of mine. It's my solemn duty to keep the yard free from pesky squirrels and neighbor cats. And if you have to step out, rest assured I'll keep a watchful eye on everything. I'm quite content to nap or entertain myself with a chew toy while you're occupied at home-I pride myself on being independent and well-behaved. Much like a princess, I'm discerning when it comes to new acquaintances and furry friends. Patience is key when introducing me to new friends. I might get along just fine with older kids, given a proper introduction. Exercise is crucial for maintaining my wise and majestic demeanor. Plenty of walks, playtime, and puzzles will keep me in tip-top shape. While I could use a bit more polishing on my leash manners-no pulling and no barking at other dogs-I'm eager to find my forever home, complete with a forever lap where I can feel safe and cozy. I embody the epitome of a smart, independent, and affectionate companion. So let's make it happen-perhaps you're the one I've been waiting for! This animal is in foster care! Apply to adopt them online!




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