Saturday, October 14, 2023

"MARIA" young and pretty BLACK LAB mix (came in with Sancho)


"MARIA" is Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
MCAS hours/ Location

Date found: Monday, October 2, 2023
Location found: SE 82nd Ave / SE Boise St, Portland

Adoption cost: $160
License fee: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

 Animal ID: 300201, female, 1 yr 66 lbs

Hi, I'm Maria! I was found by a kind stranger who let me hang out with them, the other dog I was with, Sancho) and their old dog at home for a week. They said I was wonderful overall, but had some things to learn about the world - just like a young pup my age would! I'm only about a year or so, but I'm a BIG FAN of food already and would be more than happy to learn a thing or two with some treats, including how to greet people nicely by staying down instead of jumping up, which I tend to do now. Would you like to say hi? Please stop by the shelter!



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