Thursday, February 22, 2024

"OTIS" IN FOSTER affectionate white Lab/Great Pyrennes mix

UPDATE 2/29/24 ADOPTED or on hold


"OTIS"  is Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

MCAS hours/ Location

Adoption cost: $160
License fee: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

 Animal ID: 294952, neutered male 4 yrs 71 lbs

Otis is a four year old Great Pyrennes Lab mix. He has the traits of both- the silly playful pup and the protective home guardian. He knows all the basic commends and redirects easily. Otis walks well on a leash, and loves people, belly rubs and ice cubes. He does well in a home environment and loves car rides! Otis is a big and active dog and needs a large place to roam. He has a reputation of being an escape artist, effortlessly scaling 6ft fences, so it's advisable not to leave him unattended outdoors! He can also get spooked by new developments that spring on him in the outside world which causes his guardian behavior to come out. Due to his size, it's best if there are no young children at home, and given his history of dog reactivity, he may fare better as the sole pet in the household. With love, nurturing and training he's bound to be the best buddy!  

photos courtesy Otis's foster home



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