Friday, August 23, 2019


ADOPTED or Transferred!
Sept 2019

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Here is just one website that provides info about Rabbit care.

The more time and attention/gentle handling you give to a bunny, the more they will trust you and show their fun personalities! Bunnies can be very interesting animals, and great pets when they are socialized.
Jasmine, female bunny, 6 mths
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Jasmine Is still learning that people are not scary. Be consistently gentle with them and your patience will be rewarded. Like most rabbits Jasmine is cautious around new people and situations, but does enjoy gentle pets and will eat greens out of your hand. Jasmine would love to go home with kids 8 and older.
Anastasia, female bunny, 1 yr 4.5 lbs,
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Anastasia Is a very active, curious bunny who is still a little shy of people. They probably haven't had much human interaction in their past, but is learning to associate humans with good things like food and pets. She needs to go home with kids 5 and older.
David Hasselhopp Jr., male bunny, 1 yr 6.8 lbs
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David Hasselhopp is a very handsome young rabbit who would appreciate a larger space to call his own. While Hasselhopp avoids being picked up here, he is fond of chew toys and loves to nibble on cardboard - you will want to have a good supply of appropriate chew toys! Like most rabbits, he is rather curious, please take extra care when bunny-proofing his areas for everyone's safety. Young rabbits seem to explore the world with their teeth and can be diverted from chewing the wrong things by being provided with the right things. Paper towel tubes, empty cardboard boxes and rolled newspaper all make great, inexpensive chew toys! 
Star, female bunny, 2 yrs 6.8 lbs
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Star has probably not been handled much in their past and is still learning that good things can happen when people pick them up. Like many animals they are happiest with all four feet firmly on the ground! They permit handling but are anxious when being held, sometimes they like to be in the middle of everything but strongly object to being contained or even picked up. The more you practice picking them up gently the easier it will be for both of you. Star should go to a home with an experienced owner and kids over 12.


Wallace, male REX bunny - feels like velvet! 1 yr 2 mths, 6.2 lbs
 Transferred to Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue!
Please note: HNBAR is a wonderful Rescue Group located on the west side of Portland in Sheridan, Or. They provide - as much as they are able to - a 2nd chance to rescue horses, dogs and other animals.  HNBAR has helped out MCAS with a number of dogs that needed a placement partner to succeed, and now has stepped up again by taking into their care a bunch of the shelter's homeless bunnies.
It's a great Rescue Group to help out if you are inclined to do so!
Thank you HNBAR!
Wallace Is a friendly and social bunny. They love attention, solicit petting and do not mind being picked up gently or even held on your lap. They have been around people and know when humans are around good things happen, like their favorite treats. Wallace would be a good rabbit for a first time bunny owner. Wallace usually uses their litter box but has the occasional accident when out playing. 
Lonnie male bunny, 2 yrs 5.5 lbs  IN FOSTER
Mcas weblink ADOPTED!
Hello, I'm Lonnie, you may have seen me on KOIN for a promo! I've been in here the shelter for over 60 days and would really like to go into a real home soon! Like most rabbits, I am cautious around other rabbits, new people and situations but with your continued attention & patience, I will learn to associate humans with good things like food and pets. Please be consistently gentle with me and your patience will be rewarded! Also, I walk on a leash!!!
**I am taking a break from the shelter and staying in a foster home for a couple weeks. Want to meet me!? Email to set up a time!
 Jessica Albun, female bunny, 2 yrs 6.5 lbs
Mcas weblink  Transferred to Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue!
Jessica Albun is a friendly and social bunny who enjoys attention when in a larger space (like an x-pen). When she feels secure in her surroundings, she will solicit petting and doesn't mind being picked up gently or even held on your lap. Jessica has been around people and know when humans are around good things happen - like their favorite treats! Jessica Albun would be a good rabbit for a first time rabbit owner. She is good about using their litterbox but like most rabbits, will leave a small number of scenting pellets out when out playing. 
Daisy, female bunny, 1 yr 3.5 lbs
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Transferred to Harmony New Beginnings Animal Rescue!
Daisy is still learning that people are not scary. Be consistently gentle with them and your patience will be rewarded. Like most rabbits she is cautious around new people and situations.

Frankie the Floof, male bunny, 2 yrs 7.6lbs
Mcas weblink Adopted!
Frankie is a fabulous male Angora who has a gentle soul. He is learning that people are not scary and that we give yummy treats. Be consistently gentle with him and your patience will be rewarded. Like most rabbits Frankie is cautious around new people and situations. Frankie will need a person who will keep him groomed regularly. Due to space constraints & the large number of rabbits currently at MCAS, Frankie is in another part of the shelter not readily accessible to the public - please ask to meet him

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