Monday, September 3, 2018

"ROMEO" adoption update (8 years later!)

Sept 2018 Happy Adoption Update Romeo!

"Both my husband and I are Claymore's "Romeo" humans! We are the ones that adopted him 
(in Dec 2010) into his forever home. He is such a lover boy. If he could be in between one's subcutaneous fat layer and organs he would jump right in! I clearly remember the day when I stumbled upon one of the above pictures on Multnomah County Animal Shelter (MCAS) website. I immediately printed off and took it home to show my husband. Less than 2 weeks later we adopted him and the rest is history! He loves daily walks, chuck it, cuddling; being spooned in particular, taste testing what we cook in the kitchen, snuggling up with a pillow and blanket, Nyla bones, kongs, and laying in the sun; wherever we may be in the home or out and about. For 7.5 years he shared us with his older MCAS sibling Lily Bean. Two weeks ago she went to the Rainbow Bridge after a short battle with metastatic mast cell cancer. 
What a niche you have created in your work with photographing shelter dogs. We are forever grateful for your heart, skill, and passion."

All our best!

PhotoBlog note - Romeo's original post and photos  in 2010, and also his MCAS website Profile pic were taken by Patrick S,  photographer and a MCAS Volunteer until moving from the local area. 
Patrick also created the Shelter Dogs of Portland Photoblog.
Thanks Patrick!  Laura

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Romeo was Adopted!

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