Tuesday, July 31, 2018

"BYNIE" young Weimr /Lab (maybe some German shorthair?) mix- Oregon Weimaraner Rescue

Aug 2018

Available for Adoption with Oregon Weimaraner Rescue

Bynie's OWR weblink

UPDATE 8/11: Bynie is a camping champion. She has recently been on a four day camping trip and a separate three day hiking trip, she LOVED both. This beautiful girl is a total water dog who will launch herself into the river to retrieve a thrown toy, or she will launch herself just because she feels like it haha. Sleeping in a tent alongside two other Weims (and two humans) was no problem for her and she really performed perfectly in responding to our verbal commands. In day to day life things are going very well. Her continued training is making the wonderful side of her far more present than the puppy/jumpy/crazy side which is just awesome to witness. She sleeps in her wire crate without protest (when asked, usually she is just free at night) and willfully uses it as a safe place when she is tired of her other companions and needs a break. Bynie is a great dog who learns quickly and loves to get/give affection. If you are a dog savvy person looking to add an energetic member to their already very active lifestyle, Bynie would love to meet you. 

UPDATE 7/18: Bynie is now being fostered in Portland Oregon alongside three full time Weim residents. If you are looking for a dog who is very interested in pleasing and interacting with you, this is the girl. In person this gal is a sleek ball of energy who loves to be around people and play fetch. She knows basic commands and we are working on holding those commands beyond a few seconds haha. Bynie is a busy girl when out and about in the yard or park but when she is home she finds a way to keep her energy in check and not chew any inappropriate items (dog toys yes, everything else no). This sweet girl needs a lot of attention and affection to be happy (she lets this be known lol), but she is such a joy to work with and be around that it is no issue for the dog savvy. If you are looking for a companion who will love you absolutely, this is the one. Apply below to come out and meet her.
Bynie is a healthy two year old, 50#, spayed female, Weim/Lab mix with lots of character. Her early life was not ideal so although she is two and some months old, she acts more like a puppy than that because so much of the world is new to her :)  She has lots and lots of energy and needs an experienced and firm handler to help her continue directing that energy towards appropriate behaviors. Bynie is a fast-paced dog that requires absolutely someone who will work with her- she is eager to please but gets very excited and her enthusiasm requires active management.  

I have been with her for the last three weeks and have found playing fetch and her running in the backyard for a minimum of two hours per day is the key to success for all of her other quirks.  She is not an overly confident canine and could certainly benefit from continued socialization out in the world (case in point: in the first week in my foster home she would not walk on the grass or go outside without me by her).  I'm happy to report she is now going outside with my other Weim and using a dog door when needed.

Bynie will readily go into a wire crate when told to "crate".  She is really excited and will bark a lot when you leave/return and has tended to jump up when you first let her out, she has been getting better in the past week, especially if I wait until she sits and stops barking before opening the crate door.  She also seems to calm quicker when I refused to release, talk or face her.

She knows many commands such as sit, down, wait, toy, ball, rope, and waits until I say OK during feeding.  She eats very fast and her previous owner used a slowdown bowl which I have been continuing to use.

She needs to be crated or a barrier needs to be used in the car because she will immediately climb into your lap.

Bynie is an incredibly intelligent and exuberant puppy who could greatly benefit from being paired with a more seasoned canine companion to provide her both some behavior modeling and confidence in new situations.
CHILDREN: 10+(must be sturdy) 


 Recent pics of Bynie on her camping trip - courtesy of foster home

some pics of Bynie I took last year.

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