Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"BUNNIES!"..."Ricochet Rabbit"..."Thimbleberry".."Thunderberry"

"TRANSFERRED" to a placement partner
July 2018
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Ricochet Rabbit  (RR is big handsome curious guy who likes to be petted)

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Riccochet Rabbit a very active, curious bunny who is still a little shy of people. They probably have not had much human interaction in their past, but they are learning to associate humans with good things like food and pets. Be consistently gentle while he gets to know you and you'll be quickly rewarded!  1 yr 7.4lbs

Thunderberry  Mcas weblink 
Thunderbunny has probably not been handled much in their past and is still learning that good things can happen when people pick them up. Like many animals they are happiest with all four feet firmly on the ground! They permit handling but are anxious when being held, sometimes they like to be in the middle of everything but may strongly object to being picked up. The more you practice gently picking them up, the easier it will be for both of you.  1 yr 8 lbs

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Thimbleberry is an active, curious bunny who is still a little shy of people. They have had some human interaction in their past and are learning to associate humans with good things like food and pets. Thimbleberry likes to be petted, to explore new areas, eat fresh greens from your hand & is learning to be consistent with their litterbox use!  1 yr 5 lbs

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