Wednesday, May 9, 2018

"OCTAVIA" darling little terrier type

May 2018

Octavia is a smart little dog and wants to trust. Once she trust you, you are definitly her friend!  If you take it a little slowly with her initially, talk to her and get down on her level and maybe offer some good treats, she'll warm up.
I really like her. She came into the shelter kind of scraggly looking....  and it would be great to see her find a good home
where she can shine!

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

mcas weblink (5/25 possible adopter?)
# 149724 
Hi! My name is Octavia, a 3 year old Terrier mix. The first thing you may notice is my skin, but don't let that put you off from me! Some good quality food, and medicated baths overtime will fix me right up! I am really happiest being where my people are. I get scared with fast movements at times, and it might take me a little bit to warm up to new people, but once I know you I would love nothing more than the curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. I need to go to a home with kids 15 and older. Ask to meet me today!
3 yrs 13 lbs 

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