Saturday, May 19, 2018

"CHALUPA" chi/doxie mix..."BERKLEY" pug

June 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

CHALUPA  (adoption pending 6/5)
mcas weblink
My name is Chalupa and I am the dog who is always prepared for a marathon - as long as it is a movie marathon. There is nothing I love more than a cozy, warm bed and some good company. We can discuss our favorite foods while you give me pets and attention. I promise to provide you with lots of laid-back love and friendship if you save me a spot on the couch. I have been very fearful here at the shelter and have not shown my true colors yet. I did meet another dog and that was my ticket to happiness. The shelter is requiring that I go to a home with another social dog that I can learn from and to also help with my fearful behaviors. I will be a fun little project. Please come and meet me today! I AM IN A DIFFERENT PART OF THE SHELTER - ASK A VOLUNTEER OR STAFF MEMBER HOW TO MEET ME :)  2 yrs 12 lbs

mcas weblink  (6/2 "trial adoption")
# 152111
I am Berkley a year old Pug. I weigh about 19lbs. I am really happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than the curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side.  10yrs 20 lbs

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