Wednesday, May 16, 2018

"MCAS" - Foster, Donate, Volunteer - YOU can Help the Shelter Animals!

Wed June 27 (? check back) 7-8 pm
Interested in learning about volunteering or fostering at the shelter? Attend one of our volunteer orientations! The next volunteer orientation will be Wed 7 - 8pm, June 27  (no orientation in Dec) (the 4th Wed of each month) There's no need to register - simply show up at the appointed time. You'll learn about all the different jobs available and what is required. In the meantime, you can visit our Volunteer web page for more info!!

Fostering is one of the many ways you can help the MCAS animals - Foster homes are so appreciated, and it is rewarding knowing that you are making a real difference in the life of a homeless pet. There are even opportunities/ a real need for Hospice Fosters. 
Please Check this link for more information if interested in becoming an Mcas Foster home!

If you can't Volunteer, please consider helping in other ways? Donating -
You can donate towards Medical Care of these shelter animals - to help provide added support for the more difficult medical cases. 
You can also donate towards a New Shelter facility as it is old 
and often noisy, and is by far the Underdog of our local Portland Shelter facilities. 

 Thank you for caring and helping the Portland MCAS local area shelter animals!!!
The MCAS shelter is the only open intake animal shelter in Multnomah County, and it does more than most other shelters in this country to save as many of the unclaimed stray animals that come into the shelter as they can.
Want to help your local county homeless animals? You can fulfill that need, AND make a real difference for our animals at Multnomah County Animal Services!


Want to be a MCAS Foster home?
L.J. with foster mom Robyn

photo credit - Mcas volunteer Stephanie M - foster home

a Mcas foster kitten

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