Monday, November 7, 2016

"CHARLIE" "one of a kind" sm/med size Keeshond/Corgi mix

Nov 2016

Available for Adoption with  Indigo Rescue!
Charlie is living in a foster home 

please see Charlie's  Indigo Rescue Link - for more information - and also for more info on how to apply if interested  (11/23 adoption pending)

Meet Charlie!

Charlie is a funny little guy. We can see Keeshond in him, but he also has short legs and the body style of a Corgi. Who knows??!! He's a cutie! The vet thinks he's about five - six years old, but he acts just like a pup! Charlie gets along finewith other dogs, he doesn't actually try to engage them, he just hangs out with them. He also does great with most people, but he can be barky around men until he knows them. Charlie is very busy. He would make a great hiking companion, but may not be a dog who can be off-leash and probably wouldn't be best as a runner. He's also a great medium size, and weighs 28lbs. Most important, we don't think Charlie's original owner did any training with him, or provided him with exercise and stimulation. Whomever adopts this great little guy will be required to do a training class so Charlie can learn the fundamentals of leadership. Luckily, he's highly food motivated! :o)


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