Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"GIZMO" UPDATE - very chilled out guy when hanging out in the office

"TRANSFERRED" back to "Adopt- a Dog Rescue" in Hood River!
Mar 8, 2016
In the Rescue world ... It is  a very cool thing when a rescue will take a dog back and stand up for (like - be loyal to) their Dog Adoptions :) ...... Thank You guys!
Hoping that someone wonderful adopts Gizmo! He is a sweetheart 
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 570945

Hi, Portland. I’m Gizmo. Thank you so much for stopping by. I have been spending time in offices here at the shelter recently, and I hear that I’m super gentle, polite, and sweet. I actually do well with dogs who are smaller than me, but I’m quite afraid of dogs my size and larger. I guess you can say that I’m not a “big dog kind of guy.” I love, adore, admire, and cherish all adults but am really nervous of children. I am crate trained. I know sit. I know down. I know shake. I’m smart! Really smart. I mean, I won’t be out driving your Subaru any time soon, despite what the commercials may have you believe, but I would love it if you could find ways to engage my brain. I want more than anything to be your buddy. Your pal. Your sidekick. Your amigo. We could watch movies together, and I would never ruin the ending for you. You could not ask for a finer companion than me. I am just 3 years old, and I weigh 53 pounds. Are you ready for the best relationship of your life? I know I am!



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