Sunday, February 28, 2016

"HENRY" (aka Aemon) elderly Chihuahua mix

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
Henry is now in a MCAS Foster home

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 575092

Hello, my name is Henry! I am a sweet dog who is seeking a special family! At around 13 years old I find myself at a low activity level, blind, without any teeth and homeless. I would really like to be the only pet in my home because other dogs really stress me out. My perfect retirement house is a quiet single level with little stairs to my potty area. In that house there will be patient loving owners, some good soft food and some blankets to curl up in! Are you interested in providing that for me? I'm currently in a temporary foster. Please call Alix, shelter foster co-ordinator at (50) 988-6247 or email

here's me and my volunteer friend Sarah!


Thursday, February 25, 2016

"MONTANA" young Lab/hound type mix

Mar 8, 2016

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink  (3/6 adoption pending)
animal # 575379

Hello, my name is Montana! Are you a family who likes to invest in training to make sure your companion becomes a great dog? I am a youngster who hasn't been given good direction so far and this has led to some unfortunate circumstances. My adopter will need to be active, and game for a really fun adventure with me! Because of my big voice, the shelter is asking that any apartment dwellers pass on by. They are also requiring that we attend a training class together to help get us started on the right path! Please ask about me! I am around 7 months old and weigh 51 pounds



Wednesday, February 24, 2016

"GIZMO" UPDATE - very chilled out guy when hanging out in the office

"TRANSFERRED" back to "Adopt- a Dog Rescue" in Hood River!
Mar 8, 2016
In the Rescue world ... It is  a very cool thing when a rescue will take a dog back and stand up for (like - be loyal to) their Dog Adoptions :) ...... Thank You guys!
Hoping that someone wonderful adopts Gizmo! He is a sweetheart 
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 570945

Hi, Portland. I’m Gizmo. Thank you so much for stopping by. I have been spending time in offices here at the shelter recently, and I hear that I’m super gentle, polite, and sweet. I actually do well with dogs who are smaller than me, but I’m quite afraid of dogs my size and larger. I guess you can say that I’m not a “big dog kind of guy.” I love, adore, admire, and cherish all adults but am really nervous of children. I am crate trained. I know sit. I know down. I know shake. I’m smart! Really smart. I mean, I won’t be out driving your Subaru any time soon, despite what the commercials may have you believe, but I would love it if you could find ways to engage my brain. I want more than anything to be your buddy. Your pal. Your sidekick. Your amigo. We could watch movies together, and I would never ruin the ending for you. You could not ask for a finer companion than me. I am just 3 years old, and I weigh 53 pounds. Are you ready for the best relationship of your life? I know I am!



Sunday, February 21, 2016

"PRINCE" nice older gentleman German Shepherd

Mar 6, 2016
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 575641

My name is Prince. I am an older guy looking for a home with German Shepherd savvy owners. I really like to go on walks, and love to play with tennis balls and stuffed toys. When it comes to other animals, I prefer to be the only animal in the home (I chase cats) and tend to be protective of my owners when other dogs are around. I have experience living with kids, and have met lots of new people in my life-people are good! Here at the shelter I tend to be more independent and enjoy keeping myself busy. I hope you have a special place in your heart for this old guy! I am 10 years old and weigh 92 pounds.





"ZOEY" teenage med size mix

Mar 6, 2016
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink (3/5 adoption pending)
animal # 575517
Zoey is my name and it means "life" I am an 8 month old American Shelter Dog weighing in at about 37lb and, looking for a new and better life. I'm sweet, shy, submissive and a little unsure of life in general. I will be a nice pet for a quiet home that will help me gain some confidence through reward based training. The shelter is recommending a home with respectful kids 8 & up. I am currently being treated for skin issues and an ear infection but the shelter will provide the medicine to my new adopter. If you can provide a loving home, come check me out.


"ZOOLANDER" happy update Dec 2017 - I'm not too confident - sweetie Pitmix

Mar 6, 2016
 Happy Update Dec 2017-
"In the middle is Zander (Billy the Kid) & far right is Jack (Zoolander, who we adopted in spring/2016) and our Rottie, Adi.
Zander and Jack are an amazing addition to our Family. All three are very happy, loyal and very loving dogs. My Husband was never a dog person until we adopted our Pit bull mixes. He is now in love with these boys and the breed.
*Note the cat under the tree. All three of these big dogs bow down to the Balinese. The cat rules and they're ok with that."
-Kim S.
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 575307

Hello, my name is Zoolander! I am an insecure young man who can't quite figure out why I've been invited to this major fashion event. Could you be my mentor to provide some good life skills, some good quality flea control and lots of groceries? I have been a little worried about new people and with the help of food and your patience I will blossom into a glorious companion! My shelter friends are recommending that any children in my new home be over the age of 10 because of my delicate personality. I am around 10 months old and weigh a slender 47 pounds

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"TRINITY" Boxer girl looking for a special home

guess what?  I was ADOPTED!!!
 by my original "finder"
Mar 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my MCAS weblink 
animal # 573657

Young, good-looking and ready to rock n' roll--that's me! I'm Trinity, a 3-year old Boxer mix looking for a special home. I have had "stranger danger" issues in the shelter, but am getting better every day. My adopter will need to continue helping me with this, and it may take a couple visits for me to be comfortable with you and show my true, goofy personality. I LOVE toys and treats, so I am super responsive to training. I could play all day if you'd let me!! There should be no other pets in the home and children are required to be 12+. When relaxed, I am soft, wiggly and a perfect lady. I will need an above-average amount of exercise and attention. If you get to know me, you will see I am worth a life long commitment!! Because of my stranger danger, I'm not on the adoption floor, but I am at the shelter!! Come on down, and ask to see me - Trinity 573657 - and a staff member will bring me out to you :)


"MILKSHAKE" cute Rat Terrier mix

Mar 5, 2016

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my MCAS weblink 
animal # 575638

Hello, my name is Milkshake! I am a super sweet guy who can't wait to find a new family! Although I really really like attention and will bump under your hand for more pets, I'm also insecure. My new family should have no young children and with some training to boost my confidence, I should blossom into the perfect gentleman! Please ask about me! I might love another dog to play with too! I am around 3 years old and weigh an athletic 15 pounds



Sunday, February 14, 2016

"DUKE" mellow Mastiff mix

Mar 4, 2016 

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink  (adoption pending Mar 4)
animal # 574181

Hello, my name is Duke and I am a big sweet Mastiff mix! I love people and would enjoy a family to play with and take me on adventures. I have lived with other dogs, am housetrained, and my foster mom describes me as a sweet boy! She has had me for a couple of weeks while I've been recovering from a broken back. My shelter friends would be happy to speak with you about my medical history but I should make a full recovery with some exercises to help gain some muscle in my back legs. Are you interested in me? I am around 2 and a half years old and weigh 80 pounds


"DAISY" darling chubby and charming Chihuahua

Mar 2016 

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink  ( pending adoption Mar 2)
animal # 575701

Hello, my name is Daisy! I am sad to say that this isn't the first time I've been searching for a new family but I am sure my charming personality will make sure its my last! My past two have passed away but they report that I am a really easy going lady! I haven't lived with children and I can sometimes become afraid that my resources will be taken away so we are asking that any children in my new home be 12 years or older. I have lived with another small dog, like to lay on laps, and am housetrained as long as you take me out reguarly. The shelter health team have noticed some hernias on my tummy that they will repair. They have also noticed some skin allergies. Please ask to meet me! I am around 6 years old and weigh in at 17 pounds



"MARLEY" I'd LOVE "a Runner companion" in my life!

Mar 3, 2016

Marley would love to run with you :)...At least that's what she told me today.

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my MCAS weblink 
animal # 575278

Hello, my name is Marley! I am a pretty girl who is looking for a special family who finds me charming. I am looking for a quiet household without large dogs, cats or young children. I enjoy playing fetch, am housetrained, and really like to cuddle on the bed. My new family will need to give me space to get to know them, food definitely helps, and help me build my confidence with strangers. Are you interested in knowing more about me? I am currently not on the shelters main adoption floor because of my social sensitivities so please email to set up a meeting. I am around two years old and weigh 46 pounds





"SIMONE" shiny dark brindle Lab/pitbull mix

Mar 3, 2016

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my MCAS weblink 
animal # 575723

I'm Simone! A fun, active girl who is looking for the same in my new living arrangement. I know sit and down, but can be mouthy and jumpy when meeting new people-sometimes I can't help myself, I just love to have a good time! My new owners should be able to engage in running/hiking, and love to play fetch, in order to get some of this weight off that I have gained during the winter months. I have lived with kids, and have lived with another dog, but cats are too fun to chase so my new home should have none. With strange dogs I can be a bit nervous and will need slow intros in order to feel comfortable. I am 2.5 years old and weigh 67 pounds.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

"ASHER" one ear up, one down - little mix

Mar 2, 2016

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal # 575701

Hello, my name is Asher! Are you looking for a super smart young guy that you can watch grow? With the use of positive training methods you will be able to see the great things I'm capable of! Right now I have been showing some insecurities about the possibility of having resources taken away from me but have responded well to training. Good news is that I have been friendly with people and really playful! Please visit for some good things to prepare for having a puppy! I am around 5 months old and weigh 10 pounds