Monday, August 5, 2013

"LELANI" loyal Kelpie mix

Returned to owner :)

Hello world! Are you looking for a smart and outgoing dog? You know, the kind who just seems to know what you are saying by listening intently?

 I certainly have some basic training and I am an outgoing and social dog, but I won't give my heart away to just anyone. I don't mind a friendly pat on the head, but save the hugs and such for a little later in our relationship...I mean c'mon, not everyone kisses on the first date either.
I will voice my opinion with some barking and that is not something I will likely get over. But if you devote to getting to know me and building a friendship with me, you won't find a more loyal and outstanding companion. Respectful dogs are probably ask with me, but I may find chasing cats to be too much fun. I am the near perfect age of around 4 years and I weigh a thick 72lbs. Ask about me today!  Here's my MCAS weblink

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