Friday, February 15, 2013

"AMALIE" adorable Pitmix puppy!


Before you’re completely smitten with my adorable freckle face please make sure you read up on what it takes to raise a breed ambassador. Puppies are a ton of work and require and owner with the time and commitment to sign up for classes (required as part of my adoption), take lots of field trips and of course spend lots of time exercising and cuddling! The good news is I’ve gotten a fantastic start in my foster home. I love other dogs, going for walks, going to work with my foster mom and showing off my exceptional smarts. I already know my crate training, nearly have house training down and I know sit, touch and come. Yep, I’ll be the class star! To learn more about this cutie contact Angela, the foster coordinator @ 503-807-9134 

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