Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"WINNIE" long legged, lanky and lovable!


I'm in a foster home, which is a nice thing, because I get lots of attention :)
I'm seriously pretty, the model type, ya know? lanky build, long legs, big expressive ears, chestnut brown eyes.  My foster mom thinks I'm the greatest!!  She is working with me on (what seems to be a pretty common ) dog behavior thing - barking at other dogs when I'm on a leash. I'm getting better about this!  but I'll need your help to continue working me with this.  Guess we all have some issue, don't we?.... :)

I'm cuddly and very beautiful!!

Here's my MCAS link: http://www2.co.multnomah.or.us/AnimalWeb/ADODetail.aspx?id=458334

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