Saturday, September 29, 2012

"ASH" how do you do?


I like car rides, and cats and dogs and people!

I have a cute curly tail, a handsome manly white blaze chest, and an adorable smile.  Sometimes, if I get scared, I can act like a pill, I guess, but generally, I'm a very together guy.

Basically,  I'm just a cute shelter guy looking for a good home!

Here's my MCAS shelter link, come visit!

Monday, September 24, 2012

"BANDIT" a smart little guy!


Bandit has lots of energy!  and loves to bounce around and play!
He can sit and lie down for a treat, and is a smart little guy, but is not looking to be anyone's lap dog.... unless maybe at the end of a fun day.

Here is Bandit's MCAS link:

Friday, September 21, 2012

"LORENZO" everything but a haircut and a home!


I've got it all....the cutes, smarts, fun and good attitude!
Yup I've got it all except for a nice haircut and a good home!


If you know anything about Poodles, you've got a good understanding about me! I hope you'll come see me soon, just ask for Lorenzo - the guy looking for a good haircut!

"CRACKER JACK" the surprise is in the package!


I'm a little whipper snapper, full of full and zest for life!

Treat me like an intelligent fun guy, who likes training, likes treats, likes attention, and we'll get along great!

just don't expect a little lap dog (but I am affectionate), or someone who doesn't care if they are left out of the action - that won't work well with me!

Come see me, I am a cute little Cracker Jack! Here's my MCAS Shelter weblink:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

"BROCK" hi it's me!


I know I look silly. I'm a silly guy!

Come visit!  here's my MCAS shelter weblink:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"PETE" a special guy!


Pete is a handsome white dog with 2 different colored eyes, one blue and one brown. He has an awesome personality, takes treats very gently and is always willing to Sit, especially for a treat!

He's a sweetie and really enjoys being with people!
Pete appears to have some hearing loss, so for his safety he'll need to be on leash in any unfenced areas.  But Pete can definitely hear things, he is not a deaf dog.

Here is Pete's MCAS adoption link:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"LINCOLN" a good ol boy!

Good luck Lincoln in your new home. I hope you get the time, love, patience that all dogs need to adjust to a new home. You are an awesome big guy!

This guy, you'll want to have by your side forever! Lincoln just wants to be in a good home, and not an animal shelter.

Lincoln is a chilled out, super dog American Shelter Dog mix!  He has a long floppy ears, a tall stocky body, a very mellow and easy going temperment - out of the kennel area - and he's smart too...

He lived with kids and dogs in his previous home and was a very well mannered boy. Lincoln is just  a big lovable cuddlebug!
Here's his MCAS weblink:

"TARA" little dear


Tara loves the sunshine, and new smells and friends!
Hopefully Tara loves the rain too :)

Tara has an old injury to her front leg, and her foot turns under. 
She has adapted, and it doesn't seem to bother her.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

"ANDY" lovey Beagle Boy


Beagles can be quite the "sensitive types"....

are also known to express their opinions at times...

and when the leash appears they are ready for that good walk!


"CORA" the CHI-dora

Our dear  little Cora  Chi was Transferred to The Pixie Project

Cora is a Favorite Chihuahua at the MCAS shelter!

Cora needs a good home where she gets nice gentle walks and lots of love!

aren't my big Bug eyes cute?
Cora!  Here's her MCAS shelter link:

"BARBI" a happy child!


Everyone loves a happy child!  Barbi is a chubby but tiny little girl, just a little worried in the shelter, but when she feels relaxed...she dances for treats, runs in little circles and is a delight!

Here is Barbi's MCAS web link:

"JASPER " your lucky gemstone

How would like to have a handsome Pitbull  greet you every day when you get home? Jasper is sure to lift your spirits.
Here's Jasper's MCAS shelter link:

Friday, September 14, 2012



Gabriel is a very nice boy, a small /medium size and has gorgeous golden eyes. He knows sit.

"BONNIE " fluffy fox

TRANSFERRED to Oregon Humane Society
Come meet Bonnie, you'll love her!  A fluff ball, the perfect medium size.

Here is Bonnie's MCAS web link:

"WILLY" radiates joy!


It's hard to stand out these days, but little Willy with his happy grin, sure does shine!

2 yrs old, and only 8 lbs, just waiting to meet you! Here is Willy's MCAS web link:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

"OSITO" social!


Osito has a happy grin when he sees you!  He loves to visit, and walks are a favorite thing for him.

Osito probably doesn't shed, but will require routine grooming to keep him looking and feeling his best.

Come visit this sweetie today! Here is Osito's MCAS weblink:

"SARAH" a minimini German Shepherd mix?


Silly little girl, with her upright ears and brown and black fur. Sarah is only 16 pounds, and has a very cool look to her. Maybe a little bit of Shepherd in the Chi mix? 

Sarah's previous owner passed away and now she's looking for a good adult home or one with older kids.

This sweetie may be a little timid when you first meet, but she really warms up to new people, in just a short visit with her. She starts to show lots of spunk too! Here is her MCAS weblink:


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"WRIGLEY' distinguished Yellow Lab

Wrigley is awesome! Tall and loving and a very pretty boy. He's 12 yrs old, and will really appreciate a great home! He's still active, outgoing and has lived with other dogs. He still likes a nice easy game of fetch :) and a gentle daily wak. Mostly, he just wants your love and to spend time with you.


Wrigley will bring much happiness into some lucky person's life.
Here is Wrigley's MCAS web link:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"WINNIE" long legged, lanky and lovable!


I'm in a foster home, which is a nice thing, because I get lots of attention :)
I'm seriously pretty, the model type, ya know? lanky build, long legs, big expressive ears, chestnut brown eyes.  My foster mom thinks I'm the greatest!!  She is working with me on (what seems to be a pretty common ) dog behavior thing - barking at other dogs when I'm on a leash. I'm getting better about this!  but I'll need your help to continue working me with this.  Guess we all have some issue, don't we?.... :)

I'm cuddly and very beautiful!!

Here's my MCAS link:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

" KELLY" adorable!

TRANSFERRED to Oregon Humane Society
Kelly has pretty wavy hair. She's a adorable and (just a little bit!) chubby Chihuahua/Doxie type mix. This girl is awesome and  really enjoys spending time with people. What a sweetie!!

Her ears sometimes are floppy  and sometimes stand up.

Here is Kelly's MCAS web profile: