Thursday, April 19, 2012

remember "REMMY?"

Fans, remember this sweet little bearcub love of a fella?

Well we just got an update from his adopters (which we love getting!!!), so get out the tissues because this fella hit the jackpot!

"Please forgive me for not responding sooner about your request for Remmy’s adoption story. First, I have to say that he is the sweetest, most affectionate, wonderful dog of all time (with all due respect to my previous two dogs who passed away). When we first met Remmy at the shelter, he seemed very quiet and didn’t want to interact with me, my husband or my two boys. However, at one point he did snuffle my ear. And for me, that was it. My husband and I had concerns, but after talking to you and Lisa, decided to take the leap of faith. And we’ve been rewarded with truly one of the most wonderful dogs I’ve ever encountered.

So tip #1 for dog seekers out there—shelter dogs are so stressed out that they will probably not show their wonderful side when you visit. Tip #2—do your research. Talk to the volunteers who walk them and hang out with them to see what they think. Everyone we talked to said Remmy was a love bug.

Personally, Remmy has been a savior to me. I work from home, so I’m pretty isolated. Remmy and I work all day, and run or walk all the time. He’s learned how to run like a champ. My health and mind haven’t been better. My boys love him too, and we’ve even lifted our ban on dogs sleeping with them. He now snuggles my youngest son all night.

I was so impressed with every one we dealt with during our search, from the first foster mom we visited in Aumsville, to you and your quick response to my questions, to Lisa who picked up the phone right away to explain how wonderful Remmy is. You all are truly angels in my book. Thank you thank you thank you."

1 comment:

  1. This is just beautiful!!! Thanks so much for sharing.


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