Titus was Adopted!

As Tami commented below, Titus was adopted! He also looks much better now than he does in these older photos here. If you've adopted Titus and you'd like to share some new pics of him, please contact me! Congratulations, Titus!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Consider the Shelter Dog.

What's it like being a shelter dog waiting for a forever-home? Shelter volunteers and staff are there to help you but they can only do so much. People come and go. They consider you. Are you the one? They may take you home. They may not. Click here to look at the kennel cam of a shelter dog. What you will see depends on what time it is. He might be wagging his tail, saying hi, trying to be adopted, or he might just be spending a long, long, night sleeping by himself, curled up in a lonely ball. You're trying to be happy but you don't really know what's going on. Imagine what it might be like to still try to be friendly to people when they may have been so bad to you. Could you do it? Do you have what it takes to learn from a shelter dog? Consider the shelter dog.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How to contact me.

If you'd like to contact me with a question or comment simply click on my profile to the right and you'll find a link to email me. For questions about specific dogs please contact the Multnomah County Animal shelter. Thanks for following the blog.  -Patrick

Hey - Why don't you adopt a shelter dog, Mr. Blog Photographer?

That's exactly what I did, actually.  I adopted my American Pit Bull Terrier, Hattie, from Animal Care and Control in San Francisco in 2004.  The positive influence and joy she has brought to my life (and others) is one of the reasons why I created this blog.  There are so many of these dogs I photograph at MCAS that I wish I could adopt as well.  I still remember their names - Betsy, Dudley, Stanley, Lacey, Jude, Misty, Ciara, Junior, Penny, Alex, Katie, Jada...the list goes on.  They are truly wonderful dogs.  I think there is a common misconception that dogs at the shelter have ended up there because they have done something wrong or are somehow defective.  Make no mistake: these dogs are here because a human being made mistakes and their mistakes involved an innocent dog.  Shelter dogs have often endured many trials and tribulations and have still persevered and found a way to prove that they deserve a second chance - something they shouldn't have to do in the first place...but they humbly do it anyway.  That's more than any fancy breeder-bred dog can say.  And so I'd like to reiterate, I dedicate this blog to you, American Shelter Dog.  May the people come to their senses and treat you better.  Please remember, when you see a photograph of a shelter dog and they look a little serious, concerned, or anxious - remember that they're going through a hard time and that they're hoping for a better day.  Below you'll find some photographs of my dog, Hattie, from her shelter days and now.  I wanted to show you how things change, how times get better, and how you can be a part of that beautiful transformation by adopting a shelter dog.  

Hercules • Mellow Older Gentleman Seeking Forever-Home

Hercules is an older, gentler, camera-shy German Shepherd mix.  Please visit his shelter profile to find out more about him and see if he is a match for you. Then come on down to the shelter and ask to be introduced.  He will make someone very happy with his mild manners and mellow nature.  SHELTER PROFILE

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jewels: Ready to be your new Best Friend

I spent quite some time with Jewels during her photo session.  First, inside the kennel while it was raining and then out in the yard when it had stopped.  While in the kennel she was subdued and mellow.  She just leaned up against me and hung out.  Once we got outside she played with a ball and had herself a good time.  I must say, Jewels really seems to know where to be energetic and where to just kick back.  Like many of the dogs I encounter at the animal shelter - she's friendly, loving, and eager to learn from you.  She has a small and beautiful little white streak on the back of her neck to go along with her great personality.  Unique and lovely, this Jewels.  Come on down to the shelter to see if this sweet dog is a match for you!  SHELTER PROFILE