Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Delightful Betty was Adopted!

Cute as a button?  Check.  Smart?  Check.  Social?  Check.  Friendly?  Check.  Loyal?  Check.  Careful - you might get lost in Betty's lovely eyes, too.  Betty seems like she'll be just as happy going on a long walk with you as she would relaxing and watching a movie with you.  I could see her begging to come up on the sofa with you.  The key component is "with you."  Betty wants to be with you.  She's looking for a forever-home that can offer love, guidance, and dedication.   She might be built like a tank but she's a sensitive girl who needs a loving home.  Click here to read her official MCAS profile.  Then go pay her a visit!  This might be a match made in heaven!

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