Saturday, November 13, 2021

"JULIUS" Happy Adoption 5 yr anniversary Update

JULIUS  HAPPY Adoption Update! November 2021

"We adopted Julius 5 years ago. He has always been such a happy dog. He loves everyone. His favorite things are squeaky toys, snacks and sleeping! Julius has really completed our family."
July 21, 2016
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink
animal id # 579471

Hello, my name is Julius! I am a baby that is looking for a new home! My adopters should be prepared for safe socialization to new environments, humans, animals, and training on what is expected of me to be your perfect well adjusted companion! Please visit for more information on everything related to puppies! I am around 12 weeks old and weigh 5 pounds


Friday, September 10, 2021

"KELSO" Happy Adoption Update Sept 2021



"We adopted Kelso in January, 2018, and because of an autoimmune condition he has we were warned that he may not live long, but I already knew he was the dog for us. Well, he has been a part of our family for over 3 1/2 years now, having just turned 12 years old, and he has enjoyed robust health, happily fetching his ball, going on walks, and being very serious about providing security services when we're out camping. Sadly, we recently learned that Kelso has a cancerous mass that has metastasized to his lungs. For now, he's still his same self, enjoying life, and we will continue to enjoy it with him until he is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. There are still lots of steaks, walks, ice cream, steaks, belly rubs, cuddles, and did we mention steaks (his favorite!), in his future. When I get the MCAS newsletter, I sometimes go out to the website to see who is out there for adoption (because having had this much fun and love with one dog, we've thought of getting it doubled with two!). Recently I went onto the page and there is Kelso's photo next to a public service announcement about leashing dogs. It gave me such a lift to see him there. Thank you, MCAS, for bringing us so much joy by helping us find Kelso!!"  Dina
Happy Adoption: Kelso
"The first time I saw Kelso's video, I knew I was his human! He is a very easygoing fellow who immediately made himself at home. I'm not sure how he came to be separated from his previous people, because he is so loving and well-trained; I'm just grateful that MCAS helped us find each other! I was a bit concerned about Kelso's health, as his masticatory myositis has made him unable to open his mouth very far, but it turns out he is thriving and is just like any other dog--he loves to play, eat, cuddle, nap, and give sloppy kisses. He makes friends wherever he goes--my clients love him, and just today someone next to us at a stoplight rolled down their window to talk to him! My partner wasn't sure about having a larger dog, but Kelso won him over immediately, and now neither one of us can imagine life without our wonderful friend. Thank you, MCAS!"
-Dina Y.
Jan 2018
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

photo credit Motoya Nakamura
Mcas weblink 
I am the dog who is always prepared for a marathon - as long as it is a movie marathon. There is nothing I love more than a cozy, warm bed and some good company. I have an autoimmune system disease called masticatory myositis, an inflammatory disease that affects the muscles of mastication (chewing). I will always need to eat canned food and not get overheated in the summer. Our Canine Care Specialist can go over this in more detail if you are interested in me. I am currently in a foster home while I wait for my forever home. My foster mom says that I am an absolute gem! I am house trained, love sleeping in my crate...even with the door open...and am generally just the sweetest, happiest and most lovable guy. If you are interested in meeting with Kelso, please email the foster coordinator at or call at 503-988-6670 to set up a time!
9 yrs 57 lbs

photo credit - Kelso's Mcas foster home


Saturday, May 22, 2021

"MAGGIE" aka Ruby Happy adoption story


"Maggie (Ruby) has been a wonderful addition to our little family. She is so playful, cuddly, and gets along with all the grand-babies, the cat, and she absolutely adores her new big brother, Chino. He has been a great teacher. Maggie continues to surprise us almost daily with how smart she is! She's got so much character; a real spitfire, and we love her and her little antics to pieces!"


"SOPHIE" happy adoption story


"Happy birthday to Sophie, who turned 12 on April 28, 2021. Sophie was adopted from Multnomah County Animal Services in late January. Shout out to Tanya from the shelter who spoke at length about Sophie and how sweet she was; it was all true and more! Sophie is doing great living her best (spoiled) doggo life with her new dog dad in central Oregon and has a few walkers come visit her. She has the sweetest demeanor and loves meeting new people, car rides, playing fetch with the ball, running around like a puppy in the snow this winter, hanging out on the couch watching the fireplace, and naps! She is such a special soul and still very full of life."

Scott R.


"TAHOE" Happy adoption story


Happy Adoption Story: Tahoe

"My husband and I thought we had it made in our little house with our two Labbies. Both our Yellow Lab, Huckleberry, and our Black Lab, Bettis, had been born in the country and handpicked at just eight weeks old. Huckleberry came into our unsuspecting and naive dog-less lives like a hurricane, eating and chewing everything in sight. She slept only when her little body finally couldn’t go anymore, and then she’d drop like a narcoleptic. Puppy school helped to train her…and us.

"Huckleberry came with us to get our second dog. She picked Bettis, who happened to be the biggest dog in the litter. A rapidly growing, gentle giant just happy to be petted, Bettis became Huckleberry’s main attraction, taking some of the heat off us exhausted new doggie parents. These two dogs never have known hardship: just twice daily walks; ongoing training; trips to the dog park, the beach, and the river; doggie swimming pools in the backyard; and endless chewies, pettings, and love. Any behavioral issues that came up were only the result of growing pains.

"We had considered getting a third dog after a few foster dogs had come and gone. Then a little, brown tornado flew into our path. Tahoe, a six-month-old Brown Labbie with a curly tail, arrived as a nervous, little foster dog from Multnomah County Animal Shelter. We weren’t sure if Bettis, now a good 50 pounds bigger than Tahoe, was going to accept another boy in the house. But Bettis let Tahoe know, in the ways that dogs do, that Tahoe was the lowest on the totem pole, but he would happily be Tahoe’s big brother. Within two hours of his arrival, we decided Tahoe was the missing piece to our family puzzle. We adopted him within a week, and thus began the long journey to help him overcome his past.

"In the shelter, Tahoe was so ridden with anxiety that they thought it best he go to a foster home. His fear did not allow him to sleep more than five minutes; he’d jump up at any noise, crying and looking out the window—presumably for the owner who never returned. When we’d go outside, he’d dive bomb the windows, desperately trying to get out so he wouldn’t be left again. He ate so fast that we had to start feeding him in a muffin tray with water-coated food to slow him down. He stole apples and bread off the counters if he was hungry and pulled on the leash like a wild boar when we walked.

"However, as days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Tahoe caught the hang of our routine, and little by little, he calmed down. He stopped crying when he saw us go outside and instead just nervously paced back and forth in the window until we came back in. Finally he’d sleep by the window with one eye open as we hung outside for a bit. He became a good little walker, hardly pulling on his leash, and he told us when he was ready to sleep like a big boy with his brother and sister on dog beds instead of in his crate.

"The biggest milestone came a couple years later when he started wagging his tail. Not a big deal for most dogs but for Tahoe a breakthrough. He was finally relaxed enough to have time to be happy. Day by day, his tail wags became bigger, more confident, and more frequent. He even discovered the tennis ball that had been flying past him for a year as his sister endlessly chased it. He learned to retrieve the ball and how to catch it. After being unsure of our doggie pool, he tentatively got in and started splashing around. His favorite thing, though, has always been to cuddle up with us in the morning. He flops next to us and rolls over on his back for a belly rub while gently licking our faces, secure in knowing a walk and then breakfast comes next.

"Over the next years, the three dogs became inseparable. Huckleberry kept busy raising her two little brothers and bossing them around. Bettis was thrilled to nurture his big sister and brother, always reminding Tahoe that he was the upper classman. Tahoe loved being the baby and has always been eager to please us all. We took full pleasure in watching them grow up and seeing how close their bonds became.

"Tahoe is an old man now and reveling in his golden years. His brother and sister passed on a few years ago and he has since come full circle. He is a survivor and his little heart is so full of love, and he knows he is safe, part of our pack, and in his forever home. We feel privileged to have celebrated all of Tahoe’s incremental achievements (like tail wagging), but we are especially excited to say, “Happy 13th Birthday" to our sweet old man!!! We are grateful for the opportunity MCAS gave us to adopt Tahoe and give him a life where he has been so deeply loved."

Warren & Sarah G.