Monday, January 27, 2020

"JEAN GREY loyal german shepherd

Feb 2020
Please give her time to adjust to her new home

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Jean Grey, female German Shepherd, 4 yrs 93 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink ADOPTED!
Jean Grey, 4 years
Loyalty Program Coordinator at Multnomah County Animal Services
I'm more on the calm side, love a good whine and cheese pairing. I came to the shelter with my friend Logan and we would love to find a home together, but it's not required.(2/4 update - Logan has a potential adopter)If you enjoy meditating, yoga, classical music, I am your girl. Swipe right please!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

"CINDERELLA" and "CINDERFELLA" young long legged chihuahua mixes

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location
Cinderfella, male chihuahua mix, 8 mths 11 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink adopted!
Cinderfella, 8 months
Shy and Bashful Coach at Multnomah County Animal Services
I like to think of myself as the "too cool for school type". You can find me in my room, blasting George Michael and painting an abstract painting. I am more of the chill at home type, and would love to have another friendly canine in the home to share my interests with.

Cinderella, female chihuahua mix, 8 mths 11 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink adopted
Cinderella, 8 months
Puppy Party Connoisseur Captain at Multnomah County Animal Services
Active, pint sized party queen looking for my forever person. When you are this young, sometimes it is hard to find the right fit. Just looking for the Jay-Z to my Beyonce. It would be nice if there was another social dog already in the home to teach me the ropes, to snuggle with, maybe some Netflix and chill. Swipe right, you won't regret it

"LOGAN" german shepherd

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Logan, male German Shepherd, 4 yrs 6 mths, 82 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink adopted
My name is Logan and my favorite hobby is exploring! I am a curious, smart dog and I love to learn new things about the world around me. I would love to have a job to do or learn some new tricks to give my mind something to work on. I do not shy away from novel situations and if you can keep me mentally and physically stimulated, I will be your loving friend forever.
 I came to the shelter with my friend Jean Grey and we would love to find a home together, but it is not required. Please come and meet us today

Logan is a very handsome German Shepherd. His left eye is smaller than the right - old injury perhaps?
             Logan looking towards his friend "Jean Grey's" kennel


"GORDO"cute and funny Chihuahua/Pug

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Gordo, male chihuahua/pug, 4 yrs, 11 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink Adopted!
Gordo, 4 years
Nervous Nelly Coordinator at Multnomah County Animal Services
To be honest, change makes me a little nervous, but one must change to grow and that is what I'm doing. Recently divorced (don't ask it ended badly). I have made it my New Years resolution to find my new home. I'd make the perfect lap buddy, also enjoy Netflix, Hulu, and HBO if you can afford it. I also tend to have a sensitive stomach at times so diet changes should be slow and gradual and no table scraps for me! Please Swipe right


"MOCHA" short and stout GoodHearted Brindle

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Mocha, female  Pitbull, 8 yrs, 72 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink Adopted

My name is Mocha and I am really happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than the curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! 
 I have some sores around my neck that almost healed so I won't be wearing a collar until they are totally healed so the shelter says that I should wear a harness for walks. 

"ADORA" adorable little English Bulldog

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Adora, female English Bulldo, 6 yrs 31 lbs
here's my Mcas weblink adopted
My name is Adora, can you guess why? Cause I am Ador-a-bull!!! I am a very social lady that enjoys booty scritches and some good lovins! I will need an owner that will be dedicated to my continued care that English Bulldogs are known for. Though, we are fantastic dogs, we do require a lot of medical upkeep. I'm in pretty good shape right now, but do some attention to my skin folds. If you are experienced with Bulldogs and think you are ready for this journey together, come and meet me today!
There will be a sign up sheet located outside of the shelter at 11am to sign up for my adoption. You must be present at noon when the shelter opens to be eligible for my adoption. Adoptions are first come, first serve.

Adora is very cute in person and she looks like a puppy!

MCAS - help SUPPORT the shelter animals! 2020 Calendars only $10

MCAS 2020 Calendars got a late start this year, but they are currently available at the Multnomah County Animal Shelter.
Only $10!

Maybe you already have a calendar for 2020? So, buy a MCAS  2020 Calendar for your office, or garage:)
or for a friend or neighbor!  It's the perfect gift to show your support for the shelter animals.

"BITSY" "LULU" and "COOKIE" baby rats

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Meet Cookie, Lulu & Bitsy! These 3 young female rats came into the shelter together & would love a home together. They all are social, curious and allow handling - Cookie will even give kisses!. No cheese for these girls (they don't like it)but they LOVE dark, leafy greens. If they are adopted together, their cage goes with them. Available 02/04/2020
Bitsy, female rat, 6 months
here's my Mcas weblink adopted!

Lulu, female rat, 6 months
here's my Mcas weblink adopted!

Cookie, female rat, 6 months
here's my Mcas weblink adopted!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

"MR NOODLE shih tzu

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Mr Noodle, male shih tzu mix, 1 yr
here's my Mcas weblink Adopted
My name is Mr Noodle and I am really happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than to curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks, 
My new family will need to be prepared to have me regularly groomed as my breed requires it!!
Please come and check me out today.

"ZIPPY" sociable young guinea pig

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Zippy, male Abysinnian mix, 6 mths
mcas weblink 

Heeeres Zippy! He is an active and talkative young cavvy who has been around people enough to know they are the givers of good things, like parsley, apples and cilantro. He will serenade you with squeals, reminding you when he's hungry or wants attention. Zippy is not super fond of being picked up-but hey, that's just awkward for a creature who likes all four feet on the ground. Once he is comfortably wrapped in a towel he is calm while being held. Zippy needs a home with kids 6 and up


"LEAH" unique squishy face (mastiff type?) mix

"TRANSFERRED" to a Family Dogs New Life Shelter!
Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Leah, female american shelter dog mix, 4 yrs 69 lbs
mcas weblink  Feb 2020 Transferred to Family Dogs New Life Shelter
My name is Leah and I am a sensitive lady that's looking for a new home. I can be shy in new environments and around new people, so I am looking for a patient family that can help build my confidence. I am very treat motivated and enjoy playing with toys from time to time. I do have a skin condition and because of that I can be sensitive to handling, so I am looking for an adult only home. Please come and meet me today!

Friday, January 24, 2020

"BOONE" aka "Mister" - Happy Adoption Update!

Happy Adoption Update Jan 31, 2020
"Boone" aka "Mister" 
" It's been nearly a year since i brought him home. I love my snuggle bug. He's still a pill most of the time, but that's ok. He travels with me. He's now been to Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Arizona several times. He loves his mom! Thank you for trusting me with him! "  Leslie R
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Mister, male 10 mths, 72lbs

here's my Mcas weblink ADOPTED!
I am Mister, a fun loving and energetic German Shepherd/Pitbull mix. Dogs like me love to get out and play but are not always sure what to do with our mouths. I can tend to get so excited I jump for the first thing I see, and the game is on! My ideal family will be active, patient and use positive training methods to help me become a more refined pup. I think working with a trainer would be a fun way for us to bond and learn together. I am eager to learn and can't wait to show you how smart I am! If you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 15 years, due to my jumpy/mouthy behaviors. If you are looking for a fun project dog, I'm your boy!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

"TINA" very cute Husky (shepherd?lab?) mix PUP - In FOSTER Home

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Tina, female Husky (shepherd?lab?) mix 5 mths, 36 lbs (Growing - will be med/large?)
mcas weblink adopted

Tina here! I am a wonderful and sweet young dog looking for a loving and patient home! I haven't been shown a wonderful world before now and as a result I am quite cautious of new things. Once you are in though, I am all about the love and snuggles! I am a very, very sweet girl, I am just quite shy too. My ideal home would help me continue my socialization and be more on the mellow side. I would not do well with young kids or a home with a lot of strangers. I am an active girl and love to play and run and be active. Think you would be able to patiently teach me more about this world? I am currently living with several other dogs and doing great. I am still working on getting used to being left home alone and would love a slow transition into that. Oh and I am pretty clumsy! I am growing faster than my brain can keep up! Think you got it? Ask about me today. My foster mom can be reached at to set up a time!

"MINDY" beautiful special needs kitty- in foster

Mindy, female 11 yrs 3 mths 10lbs
here's my Mcas weblink
Meet Mindy! My foster mom says I enjoy attention and will request it either by gently tapping you or quietly mewing at you. But don't get me wrong I'm not one of those needy cats - I can spend time by myself as well so I can keep your trusty chair warm while you are out and about! I am a good observer and will keep everything ship shape. If you think that I am just the most wonderful cat ever please give my foster mom, Paula, a call at 503-388-8097 to come and visit me. I am FeLV+, so I do have special requirements: I must be the only cat in the home or live with other FeLV+ cats, I can only live inside and receive regular vet care as my immune system is compromised.
(PS_- in case anyone is wondering, "Gelato" has been adopted!)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

"AMBER" young playful pretty red pitmix

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Amber, female pitbull, 1 yr, 43 lbs
mcas weblink Adopted!
Hi I'm Amber. A shy but very sweet little lady looking for my new home. I was a bit nervous when I came into the shelter, but have realized this place and the people are pretty cool! I love to play with toys. Tug-o-war, fetch, squeaky toys! All the toys please! I also know sit and down, and walk well on leash. I am a little head shy, so it is recommended I go home with kids over 5, but not a deal breaker! Ask to meet me today!
Amber loves to play with toys, and
 playing with the ball brings her out of her initial shyness.
 Amber is no wimp! She even played fetch in the heavy rain.

"COPPER" goodnatured easy going hound

Jan 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Copper, male hound mix, 4 yrs 58 lbs
mcas weblink Adopted!
HEEEEELLLOOOOO! I'm Copper. A fun and energetic Hound mix fella looking for my new home. I am playful, LOVE to get attention, and would be a great walking buddy! I do bay, like most hound dogs, meaning I bark at times especially when I am excited! I do have some skin issues that will require continued care that an adoption counselor can tell you more about. Ask to meet me!

"LUCY" scottie/mix "GIZMO" poodle/Mx Bonded senior PAIR

Feb 2020
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Adoption information  
MCAS hours/ Location

Lucy, female Scottie/yorkie, 20 lbs
here's my mcas weblink Adopted!

I am Lucy, a lovely girl who is happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than the curl up by you for pets or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. Me and my brother Gizmo need to go home together. Ask to meet us!
 Lucy loves to play with squeaky toys and does 
"sit-up-pretty" to ask you for it
Gizmo male Poodle/yorkie, 9 yrs, 10 lbs
here's my mcas weblink
My name is Gizmo. I'm a very sweet little dog who just wants a lap to sit in.
If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. I am in need of a trip to the doggie beauty salon and I will look pretty as a picture sitting in someone's lap or cuddling in their arms. If there are kids in my new home they should be at least 5 years old because I don't like having my mouth touched
. Me and my sister Lucy need to go home together. Ask to meet me today!