Saturday, March 31, 2018

"DON CHICO" easy going Chihuahua

Apr 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
Mcas weblink  

My name is Don Chico and I am really happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than the curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I am the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. I can be fearful in new environments and around new people, so if you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 5 years old. Please come and meet me today!  10 yrs 11 lbs

Wasn't able to get much for photos of Don Chico, but he's a gentle mellow guy - worth visiting!

"GIDGET" tiny terrier mix

Apr 2018
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink   4/9  adoption pending

"ONYX" handsome Husky mix

"TRANSFERRED" to Nw Snowdog Rescue!
Apr 2018 

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink  
I am Onyx, a fun loving and energetic Husky. Dogs like me love to get out and play but are not always sure what to do with our mouths. I can tend to get so excited I jump for the first thing I see, and the game is on! My ideal family will be active, patient and use positive training methods to help me become a more refined pup. I think working with a trainer would be a fun way for us to bond and learn together. I am eager to learn and can't wait to show you how smart I am! The shelter is recommending that my adopters have previous breed experience. I will need an adult only home due to some handling sensitivities and resource guarding. I am about 3 years old and weigh 48 pounds.

Friday, March 30, 2018

"FINN" (aka "PIP") Happy Adoption! little whippet mix

Happy Adoption Finn (aka Pip)

Mar 2018 

"After losing our beloved Ruby to old age we knew we needed another dog and another dog needed us. Finn and Jasper were quick pals and Finn is as quick (physically and mentally) as a whip. He's playing catch up on socializing and training and looking forward to many adventures this summer."  Angela L.

Mar 2018

 Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink
I am Pip an active and playful Whippet. I am up for anything and ready to amaze my new family. I am looking for a family who does not take life too seriously that will be patient, positive and understand the need to keep me on leash when I am out and about because my breed tends to run like the wind and not hear their people calling. Also, I will require a stylish & warm jacket when outside if it's raining or cold. Whippets do not tend to have a lot of body fat and we get cold easily. If there are kids in my new home, they should be at least 6 years or older. I have lived with a cat, but there is no information about how we did together. I am 1 year old and weigh 16lbs.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"COOKIE" short wide gorgeous dark charcoal/white

Apr 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink  

Hi, you can call me Cookie! I'm an adorable Pitbull mix lady looking for a new home. Like all good desserts, I'm sugary sweet and full of love but packed into a tiny portion. I can sometimes be a bit timid in new situations but once I relax, I'm just an enthusiastic goofball! Sometimes, I get so excited I will try to jump up on you to be even closer - please excuse me, I just can't contain my excitement. Because I can be a bit rough and also sometimes scared, I would need any children in my new home to be 5 years or older. I am really happiest being where my people are. Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. I love to chase cats, and no one knows what will happen if I catch one, so I probably shouldn't live in a home with cats, and should always be on leash we we go for walks. Ask to meet me today! 3 yrs 63 lbs

Sunday, March 18, 2018

"BANJO" darling young mix

Apr 2018

Cute little Bango looks like a pup, but he is full grown. This sweetie was under-socialized and would love a patient new home who will help him to be more confident and allow him to go at his own pace. Banjo responds really well to silly happy talk, and a person getting down onto his level. He loves treats.

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink
I am Banjo, an active and playful mix breed. I am about 1 -2 years old and weigh about 40lbs. You could call me the hands-on type but since I do not have hands I learn with my mouth. To an exuberant dog like me everything is a game, sometimes I just get so excited I will jump up and grab the first thing that looks like a toy. I am up for anything and ready to amaze my new family with my skills. I am looking for a family who does not take life too seriously that will be patient, positive and lift me to my potential of being a perfect pup! I am fearful in new environments and around new people, so please take things slow with me. If you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 5 years. Please come and meet me today! 

Friday, March 16, 2018

"LEO" big hearted bully mix

Apr 2108
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink  (adoption pending 4/5)

"ANNA" sweet cattle dog mix

Apr 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink
My name is Anna and I make the best of every situation and I love to play! If you are looking for a fun, playful dog to add some joy to your life and help make you laugh, then look no further. I will bring endless fun and keep you entertained with my goofy antics. If you can keep up with me then I promise that we will have a life full of enjoyment with lots of great stories! I can be fearful at times, so if you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 5 years. Please come and meet me today!  2 yrs 46 lbs 

"TAHOE" UPDATE - KOIN TV - big easy going Australian Shepherd (Lab?) mystery mix

Apr 2018

Apr 4 Wed - Tahoe was the featured Pet at KOIN TV today!  Sociable boy to everyone he met, and he rode well in the car too! see his KOIN TV appearance here!

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink     
I am the dog who is always prepared for a marathon - as long as it is a movie marathon. There is nothing I love more than a cozy, warm bed and some good company. We can discuss our favorite foods while you give me pets and attention. I promise to provide you with lots of laid-back love and friendship if you save me a spot on the couch - or at least on the floor next to you!  
9 yrs, 98 (chunky) lbs

"PEANUT" aka "REBEL" Pitbull Puppy Happy Adoption Update!

Happy adoption Update!
Mar 2018 

"I adopted this pup, then known as Peanut, back in September when he was 11 weeks. He has been such a loving and welcome addition to our family. I swear he thinks he is a cat since our only other animal is a kitty. He even walks along the back of the couch like her. It's pretty adorable.
He loves his kids and hasn't met a person or animal that he doesn't like. I went in to the shelter looking for an adult dog but after Rebel licked me it was game over. Thank you MCAS for helping us find each other."
-Stevawn G.
Sept 2017
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

Butters here! I am a sweet and cuddly little man of just 2 months. I came to the shelter with my litter mates and we were all lucky enough to spend the last few weeks in a foster home. We have been learning about how great the world is and now we are ready for our forever home. If you are interested in meeting us, we will be available for adoption on Tuesday, September 19th. There will be a sign up sheet at 11am in front of the shelter. Applicants will be reviewed in order and must be present when we open at 12pm. Come and meet us!
Peanut mcas weblink  11 weeks 9.6lbs
animal #117065

"FELICITY" aka" "PHOEBE" Happy Adoption Update

March 2018   Happy Adoption: Phoebe

"We adopted "Felicity" on December 14, 2017 (the same day the excellent clinic at the shelter spayed her, cleaned her teeth, removed two pre-molars, micro-chipped her, and trimmed her very long claws!). This timid dog was actually happy to see us that afternoon and ready to go to her new home. We've named her Phoebe after the deaconess in the Bible that Paul mentioned in one of his letters; it translates to Pure. She loves to chase light (flashlights beam, reflections, laser dot) much more than any toy so she has recently earned a middle name of Photon! Our cats are so happy to have such a nice dog and she has settled into our daily routines quite well and has put on 4-5 pounds of muscle from daily walks/jogs. The staff warned us that she has fear issues and we've noticed she is sound-sensitive and may never have any dog friends as she pulls and barks with hackles up every time she sees a dog. Oh well, maybe she'll eventually get her confidence up enough to be polite to other dogs, but even if she doesn't, we are thrilled to have this extremely snuggly dog in our family."
-Bruce and Sally
"Felicity" now known as "Phoebe" in her new home!
from a Previous MCAS Photo Blog post in December 2017
Felicity ADOPTED!
Dec 2017
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!
 Remember "Barney"?
    "Felicity" is a new "Barney" look-a-like at the shelter

My name is Felicity and I am the dog who is always prepared for a marathon - as long as it is a movie marathon. There is nothing I love more than a cozy, warm bed and some good company. We can discuss our favorite foods while you give me pets and attention. I promise to provide you with lots of laid-back love and friendship if you save me a spot on the couch! I am a very sensitive girl and am looking for an adult only home where I can feel secure and be able to relax. Are you that special person? I am about 8 years old and weigh 24 pounds.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

"STRING BEAN" adorable senior min pin mix

Apr 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink
My name is String Bean and My favorite hobby is exploring! I am a curious, smart dog and I like to explore the world around me. I am currently looking for a quiet retirement home. I am about 16 years old and weigh 11 lbs, but my get up & go hasn't left me yet and I would love to go for meandering walks with my people. If you live in an adult only home, you should come and check me out.

"NATE" Very Playful young Pitbull

Apr 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink 

I am Nate, a fun loving and energetic Pitbull mix. Dogs like me love to get out and play but are not always sure what to do with our mouths. I can tend to get so excited I jump for the first thing I see, and the game is on! My ideal family will be active, patient and use positive training methods to help me become a more refined pup. I think working with a trainer would be a fun way for us to bond and learn together. I am eager to learn and can't wait to show you how smart I am! I am about 2 years old and weigh 62 pounds.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

"HUCK" sweetie sensitive Plott Hound

Mar 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink   (adoption pending 4/1)
My name is Huck and my favorite hobby is exploring! I am a curious, smart dog and I love to learn new things about the world around me. I would love to have a job to do or learn some new tricks to give my mind something to work on. I am about 6 years old and weigh a thin 51 pounds. I am typically good with big dogs, but should not live with small dogs, cats or other small pets as I have a strong prey drive and like a lot of hounds, I love a good chase. I am afraid of strange men and the shelter recommends working with a trainer to help me overcome my fear, develop manners and gain more confidence about the world around me.  6 years (thin) 55lbs

"BENNY THE JET" cute Cattle Dog mix puppy -

new name "Oswald" :)
Mar 2018
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink 
(4/1 possible adopter)
Hi I'm Benny the Jet, but you can call me Benny! I got my name because I am such a fast runner! I am a 3 month old Australian Cattledog and I weigh 17 lbs! My favorite hobby is exploring! I am a curious, smart dog and I love to learn new things about the world around me. Because of my breed, I would love to have a job to do, and would excel in a puppy training class when I get adopted! The shelter staff have also notice that I am deaf, so I will need my people to patient with me while I am learning hand signals, and I already know "sit" and "down"! If you can keep me mentally and physically stimulated, I will be your loving friend forever. I should go to a home with children 8 or older! THERE WILL BE A SIGN UP SHEET FOR ME OUTSIDE THE ENTRANCE TO THE SHELTER AT 10AM ON 3/30/18. THE SHELTER OPERATES ON A FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVE BASIS.

"ZEKE" little Pitbull - knows sit, lie down, come

"RECLAIMED by Owner!"
Mar 2018

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink   
I have never met an activity I did not like! If you love exercise and keeping active, then we will be fast friends. I will go for a run in the morning, a hike in the afternoon, play fetch in the evening, and unwind with some play at home before bed - and I would love nothing more than to have someone who can keep up with me. Its important that I have an outlet for my boundless energy, so let us get together and explore the outdoors!  7 yrs, 53 lbs 

He's a nice boy, an easy medium size, and smart and sensitive. Zeke already knows "sit, lay down, and come" and probably more.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

"ANGEL" good hearted Pitbull - has lived with dogs and cats

"RECLAIMED by Owner!"
Apr 2018
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink   
My name is Angel and my favorite hobby is exploring! I am a curious, smart dog and I love to learn new things about the world around me. I would love to have a job to do or learn some new tricks to give my mind something to work on. I do not shy away from novel situations and if you can keep me mentally and physically stimulated, I will be your loving friend forever. I enjoy playing fetch and can be very ball oriented. If you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 5 years, as I can get a little grabby with my toys. I have lived with other dogs and cats and love to sleep on the couch. If you think we could make fast friends, come and meet me today! I am about 10 years old and weigh 63 pounds.