Monday, July 31, 2017

"COREY" fun terrier

Aug 2017
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

mcas weblink  (adoption pending 8/10)
animal # 116982

Hey guys! My name is Corey and I'm looking for a new home! I am a social little guy that loves people. I am active and enjoy going for explorations out and about. It is unknown how I do with other animals, so if you have another canine in the home, we will need to meet before I go home. Please come and meet me today! I am about 1 year old and weigh 10 pounds


"MAMA" shy but endearing little terrier mix

"TRANSFERRED" to OHS! Visit her there!
Aug 2017
ohs# 206363

I’m Mama and I think you look like a wonderful choice for my forever friend! I don’t give my heart away at the drop of a hat, but if you will give me some time and space to settle in and adjust to my new life, we can be buddies. Once I’m comfortable, I love to go on walks, play, and spend time curled up with my best friends. If you like to relax on the couch with a good book or a favorite movie, I’ll be right there with you. I may always be on the shy side and hope you will love me any way. I have this feeling that we’re kindred spirits, so how about we spend some quality time together to be sure? I came to OHS through the Second Chance Program from Multnomah County Animal Services.

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

"BUDDY" bulldog/pitmix

Aug 2017
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

mcas weblink (8/7 possible adopter - check back)
animal # 5089

I'm an adorable pitbull mix fella looking for a new home! I've got lots of energy and love to give my new home. I would like an active home where any children are 8 years or older due to how physical I can be when I'm excited. Also, I need a home without cats. I love to cuddle and be a goofball with toys and I bet together we can have a life filled with fun adventures!  2 yrs 10 mths



Aug 2017
Chelsea saw Cindy Lou on the MCAS website and knew she wanted to meet her ;)
Cindy Lou getting ready to leave the shelter

Cindy Lou, a nice easy house guest, has been looking for a good home for  9 months, and would LOVE to get your attention!  All Cindy Lou wants is someone who decides to come to the Multnomah County Animal Shelter to meet her, and happily adopt her, and give  her the  retirement home this old gal deserves!

Come visit her!

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
Mcas weblink    (Pending Adoption 8/4)
animal # 582710

Hi there! My name is Cindy Lou and I'm looking for a nice retirement home! I am just the sweetest lady who enjoys giving kisses, going for walks, and spending time with my humans. As you can see, I am in need of some good TLC. Though I'm quite lumpy and bumpy, I still have a lot of pep in my step and can't wait to settle in somewhere for my golden years. My new home will need to be an adult only home without any other dogs. I am around 12 years old and weigh 68 pounds.


photocredit - Cindy Lu's temporary foster home
a potato chip stuck on my tongue

"SHELDON" sweet sensitive sm/med size guy (maybe some Corgi?)

Aug 2017
"Yay to Sheldon and his new family! I volunteer at MCAS and loved spending time with Sheldon. He's an awesome dog!!! So happy he has a home."  Debbie S
 "I too volunteer at MCAS. Sheldon and I had really bonded so I am over the moon happy for him! He is one sweet boy!" Sue S

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

Mcas weblink 
animal # 599034
My name is Sheldon and I'm looking for a new home. I am a shy guy, but once I feel comfortable, I am fun loving, goofy, and playful. I enjoy dogs my size or smaller, but can get intimidated by larger dogs. My new family will need to be an adult only or home or kids in the home must be over 16 years old. I am uncomfortable around smaller kids and that is why my previous family could no longer keep me. I hope you can give me a quiet home where I can enjoy be my true self and shower you with love and kisses. Please come and meet me today! I am around 4 years old and weigh 31 pounds


Friday, July 28, 2017

"PARKER" LOVEBUG LAB mix (Special Needs - limited vision)

"TRANSFERED" to a placement partner
July 2017

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
mcas weblink 
animal # 593063

Hi I'm Parker! I'm a sweet Labrador mix fella looking for a new home. You may have noticed that I don't see too well - my shelter friends think that I may still have some vision and hearing but not a whole lot. I can still get around fairly well though I could use some extra guidance. I've been pretty scared here in the shelter and I don't seem to like confined spaces. But once I warm up to you I'm really just a big lovebug and I'll try to crawl into your lap. I'm also not sure I would enjoy living with another dog right now. Think you could guide me into my new life? I'm about 8 years old and weigh 55 lbs. My adopter would need to have a consultation with our Canine Specialist before taking me home.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

"SYBIL" sweetheart Doberman

Aug 2017

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink  
animal id #599661

Hi there! My name is Sybil and I'm looking for a quiet, relaxed home. I am a sweet lady, but can be timed and shy with new people and in new environments. I came to the shelter with a skin condition and will need regular vet visits to determine the best approach to manage my allergies. I have met other dogs here and would do best with dogs that are calm and respectful. If you think we could make a great match, please come and meet me today! I am about 7 years old and weigh around 65 pounds.



Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"SHADOW" shy and fabulous American Shelter dog

Aug 2017
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal id #5133
My name is Shadow and I'm looking for a quiet home. I am just starting to blossom here and tell everybody what I'm really all about. I came to the shelter completely terrified and shutdown. The patient staff here has slowly been able to show me that not everything is scary. The shelter recommends that I be the only resident animal in my new home. If you just give me a little extra time to warm up outside of my kennel, I will make you a fabulous companion and be your little shadow. Please come and meet me today!

"COOKIE" ADOPTED!!! cutest pint size Pitbull

Aug 2017
Cookie waited for so long!

Cookie is very cute - short and compact.  Maybe today is Cookie's lucky day to find you! 

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 584693  (pending adoption 8/1)
Mcas weblink 

Hi there, anyone up for a Cookie? If you are then you should ask to meet me. I 'm an active girl ready for fun adventures. The shelter says that by using reward based training methods I could be "one smart Cookie". I need to be the only pet in the home. Because I like to jump & can be a little rough, the shelter is recommending kids are at least 12 years old in my new home. Regardless, I'm as sweet as my name & have lots of love to give! I'm about 3 years young & weigh about 43 lbs.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

"PATHFINDER" hound mix..."SPIKE" Newfoundland/Landsear mix

July 2017
Spike's OHS weblink
 Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Spike and it’s so very nice to meet you! I’m a big, goofy guy looking for someone who will play with me, take me on walks and adventures, and most importantly, love me as much as I love them. I am crate-trained and potty-trained, and am working on basic commands like sit and stay. I love attention and would enjoy nothing more than just being by your side as you go about your day. What do you say you’ll have a visit with me and see if we’re suited for each other? I hope you’ll forgive me if I jump up on you; I’m just so pleased to meet people I sometimes forget my manners. I came to OHS through the Second Chance Program from Multnomah County Animal Services. A behavior consult is provided prior to my adoption to make sure we start off on the right paw. 2 yrs 6 mths
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

Pathfinder Ohs weblink
animal # 206084
Hey! Hi! Helloooo! Pathfinder’s the name, and enthusiasm’s the game! I love to run, I love to play, and anything active just makes my day! Yeah, cheesy rhyme, but I’m that kinda guy. Once I get going, it can be a little difficult for me to settle. Making sure I get plenty of exercise and furthering my manners training will go a long way in helping me keep from making you dizzy from all my energy. I am known to be vocal at times so keep that in mind if your neighbors live close by. I might do best in a home with children big enough to handle my exuberant spirit and zest for, well, EVERYTHING! If you’re looking for a running, hiking, biking, or agility (maybe flyball?) partner, I am SO your man. Don’t get me wrong, I can be calm sometimes, too. 1 yr 6 mths, 46 lbs


"ANGUS" tiny chi

Aug 2017
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink  (7/30 - possible adopter, check back!)
animal id #601229

My name is Angus. I am 4 years old and weigh 6 pounds. I am quite the lovely guy, and have become a shelter favorite among the staff and volunteers! I have been around same-sized dogs here at the shelter and done well. I really enjoy being loved on by my human friends, and can't wait to find my new home. Please come by the shelter and give me some love!


"PRINCESS" shy but friendly little terrier

Aug 2017

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Princess here's my Mcas weblink  (has a possible adopter)
animal id #579937
Hey there! My name is Princess and I'm looking for a new home. Unfortunately my owners were no longer able to care for me. I am a sweet little lady that can be independent. I haven't had many interactions outside of my home and can get fearful easily. My new family will need to take things slowly with me and help me build my confidence by providing me with lots of positive interactions. If you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 8 years old. Please come and meet me today! I am about years old and weigh 9.2 pounds.


"JACKSON OCHO" cool jack russel terrier

Aug 2017

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

 Mcas weblink
animal # 599154 
Hi there! My name is Jackson Ocho and I'm looking for a new home. I'm an active little guy that enjoys being active and going for daily walks. I have met other dogs here and wouldn't mind having another canine companion. I'm social and love to be around people. If you think we could make a great match, come and meet me today! I am about 6 years old and weigh 19 pounds. 

Jackson Ocho concentrating on his "sit up pretty" trick


"HALSTON" Amazing update - delightful Special Needs senior Poodle mix - Indigo Rescue

Back story -  Halston was a shelter stray who when seen by vets/vet specialists was diagnosed with a severely broken spine, had no feeling in his back legs or tail and his prognosis - would never be able to use his back legs again. 
Who know how long this mobility will last, but there seems to be no reason to restrict him - and Halston is very happy!!!!
   see his new running/play video here

This little guy is quite amazing!  Halston is a "special needs" senior - and may live the rest of his life as a Rescue foster dog...but I hope someone wonderful sees him and adopts him - NOT to feel sorry for him, but to enjoy his joyful spirit

 Halston's first time in a wheel chair

Available for Adoption with Indigo Rescue!!
Halston is living in a foster home
here is Halston's petfinder weblink
 what a smile!

Petfinder - Halston is a 5lb poodle mix (we aren't sure what with), that is estimated at 12+ years old. Halston came in to rescue with a broken back. We didn't know his back was broken at first, because he was walking on his back legs, they just didn't work very well and he would sometimes he drag the tops of his feet, or topple backward into a sitting position. We took him to two vets, one for x-rays, and one to see if physical therapy might help him, and finally we learned that not only was his back broken, but his spinal cord is either severed or severely damaged. There is no signal traveling from his brain to his rear legs, or his tail. So, it sounds like he should be completely paralyzed - why could he walk (a little)? Turns out, there is a thing called "spinal walking", and this is how Halston can get up on his back legs. It's really amazing. You should google it. Anyway, we aren't sure what happened to Halston, either he was hit by a car, or a dog shook him and broke his back.

Halston is NOT sad about his condition. He is super active, and wants to GO, desperately. We felt so sad watching him try so hard to run that we found him a wheelchair. This wasn't an easy task because his legs are long and the size of wheelchair that was light enough for him to pull was too short. The size that was tall enough was too heavy, and pulled him over backward. We finally found him the right size wheelchair, and the minute we put him on the ground in that wheelchair, he was on the move! He LOVES it! He can go, too. We were running most of the time just to keep up with him! See a Youtube video of Halston's first wheelchair walk using the link above.

We also had a dental done for Halston because his teeth were terrible and he had probably never had a dental before. Turns out he had two oral-nasal fistula's (holes that go from where a tooth used to be, up into the sinuses), and getting his teeth fixed up made him feel so much better! He started eating better and gained a pound in just over a week. Yay!

Halston is looking for a home where he doesn't have to be alone most of the time. He gets sad and frustrated with nothing to do. He loves to flop around and burrow in pillows and blankets (especially if they belong to a human), and of course, he absolutely needs to go for his special wheelchair walks. In a perfect world, the veterinary physical therapist says he would benefit from physical therapy, especially their swim therapy, but it is not a requirement for his adoption, just on our wish list :o) If you would love to have a special guy, who makes you smile and inspires you every day, Halston is YOUR GUY!! Inquire within...

Adoption Process: We are not first come first served. Indigo Rescue focuses on finding good matches between dogs and families to ensure life long adoptions. We deliver all dogs to their new homes. All of our dogs are in foster homes. We have a few of our dogs available for meets at the Tanasbourne Petco on Thursdays from 4-7pm and at PetSmart on 185th every other Sunday from noon until 3pm. Or, if you're interested in a particular dog, you can send us an e-mail with answers to the questions below. Just copy and paste the questions into your email to respond. If the dog seems compatible with your situation we'll set up a time for you to meet the dog.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

"TEDDY" adorable Longhaired Chi mix

July 2017
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

Teddy here's my Mcas weblink  
animal id #600414
My name is Teddy and I'm in search of a new home. I’m really happiest being where my people are. I would love nothing more than the curl up on your lap or trot along with you on walks. If you are seeking a relaxed and easy-going friend to keep you company through your life, then I’m the dog for you! Through thick and thin, I will be by your side. I can be a little shy until I get to know you, but once I trust you we will be fast friends. If you have kids in the home, they will need to be over the age of 8 years, as I'm just not too comfortable with the little ones. Please come and meet me today! I am about 2 years old and weigh 16 pounds.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

"HANK" cattle dog mix

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

Hank Mcas weblink    ADOPTED! July 2017
animal # 599663
My name is Hank and I'm looking for new home. I am a very sweet boy that loves toys and am looking for a home where I can play to my hearts desire. If you have a tennis ball, we are sure to make fast friends. Unfortunately my owners were no longer able to care for me due to my anxiety around small children. I am asking for a home were kids in the home will need to be at least 12 years old. My perfect home would be out in the country where I can enjoy the serenity, chase some balls, and be busy! Apartment life would not suit me as I have been known to be a loud talker. I am very affectionate when I feel comfortable and just need the right fit. Is that you? I can be fearful with some dogs, so if you have another canine we will need to meet before I go home. Please come and meet me today! I am about 6v years old and weigh 40 pounds.