Monday, November 28, 2016

"GILBERT" - KOIN TV today! BIG sweetie mature but lively Lab/gsd

Dec 2016

 Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

animal # 583384
Mcas weblink 

Gilbert (OHS) is a black male Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd Dog mix. He is 10 years, 11 months old and weighs about 123 lbs. Gilbert is a lovely dog who likes people and other calm dogs. He is hoping for a home where he can go on walks and play fetch. His previous owner described him as "the nicest gentle puppy"

Friday, November 25, 2016

" FRIDA " pretty little Plott Hound

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 583252
Mcas weblink  
My name is Frida. I am a 2 year old Plott Hound and I weigh 42 pounds. I am a sweet young lady and am looking for my new home. If you live in an apartment, I may not be the best fit for you. My beautiful hound singing voice may cause some issues for the neighbors. I can be really fun and friendly, and would enjoy an active home who may be able to engage with me through reward-based training classes. Hope to see you soon!

Monday, November 21, 2016

"LINCOLN" handsome chubby golden retriever/chow mix

I so hope this is a great match for everyone!
Dec 2016
Lincoln is great! 
 Lincoln has been waiting a long time for a good home. Lincoln is available for adoption but is staying in a quieter  area, so if you think he might be a good fit, please ask to meet him!

Yes, he's a bit quirky and distrustful  of strangers sometimes...  but no more so (and much less so) than many dogs....AND he is lovable, engaging and quite a softie really. I think he'd be good as an only pet.  Lincoln has been bounced around in his life, and hasn't had the best life... he needs someone he can count on to love and understand him.

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal id # 580375

Hi! My name is Lincoln. A big boy with a lot of love to give! I am in need of some help to get these extra pounds off, but with some very long walks and a proper diet, I am sure to get back into the best shape of my life! I enjoy the company of my owners, and would love to lay down next to you for some wonderful back rubs. I would do best in a home without small animals or cats, but may prefer to be the only animal in the house. Due to some of my handling sensitivities, it is best that I go to a home with kids over 10.   I am 6 years old and weigh 96 pounds.

 Lincoln loves his occasional  massage from ResQ Animal Massage
"This guy. Right here. Lovable fluffball, enjoys massage, LOVES to be loved! He's been waiting a long time for his forever home at Multnomah County Animal Services. Please share or better yet - come and meet him!"

here are some Lincoln photos that I took in Aug 2015 when he was at a different shelter (and then adopted) from there.
someday sweetie, you'll find your "forever home!"


Lincoln at MCAS in August 2016

"BETTY" funny mature Pug

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 583135
Mcas weblink 

Hi I'm Betty! I'm an older pug looking for a nice home to retire in. I'm not going to be running any marathons but I like to take walks and would enjoy cruising your neighborhood with you. I absolutely love getting attention and nothing feels better than a nice back rub or backside scratch! I've got some teeth issues so I would need soft food but I'd love to eat a nice meal and then cozy up with you while you watch tv or read a good book! Think that you could be a good fit for me to spend my golden years in? Come say hi! The shelter is recommending kids 8 & up because I'm not so much into playing and running around. I'm about 10 years old and weigh 12lbs

"VERONICA" excitable friendly pug

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 583134
Mcas weblink (12/4 adoption pending)

Veronica here! I'm a playful pug looking for some new digs! I've got lots of personality and I'm so excited to get out there and see the world. I love walks and light play with toys for exercise but really I'd love to just get lots and lots of attention and pets from you. Think we could be a match? I'm about 2 years old and weigh 14 lbs.


"ORION" a stellar Pitbull

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 582630
Mcas weblink 

Hi there! The shelter named me Orion because a cool dog like me needs a cool name. Right!? I am 2 years old and 65lbs. I am excited to meet new people but if you give me a moment I'll settle down nicely. The shelter folk already started rewarding me for not jumping with cheese and they say I catch on fast. The shelter is recommending sturdy kids 6 & up. There should be no cats in my new home.


"GRAPE" an endearing mature quiet little Rat terrier

Dec 2016

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 583090
Mcas weblink ( adoption pending 12/6)

Hi there! My name is Grape and I'm looking for a new loving home. I have been quite shy here and am asking that my new home be a quiet one where I can spend my golden years. Kids in the home are recommended to be over the age of 6 years. I do warm up pretty quickly and really enjoy playing with soft squeeky toys. I also enjoy some cuddle time and handing out kisses. I do have some skin problems and am looking for that special person who can give me just the right TLC. Please come and meet me today! I am about 8 years old and weigh 12 pounds

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

"FLOWER" shy and lovely little Pitmix

Dec 2016

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 582861
Mcas weblink (12/1 pending adoption)

Hi there I'm Flower! I'm a sweet and mellow pitbull mix lady who could use a nice calm and patient home to relax and open up in. I am still very shy but the shelter thinks that I'm getting better and that in a quiet home I might show more of my amazing personality! I can be quite playful once I'm comfortable and I already know "sit" and my friends here think I could learn lots more and build up my confidence with some positive, reward-based training! Because I'm shy I would do best in a home with older children (12+). Come meet me! I'm about 3 years old and weigh 44 lbs.


Monday, November 14, 2016

"LILA" lovebug Rottie

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 582961
Mcas weblink  (adoption pending 12/6)

Hi, I'm Lila! I'm a sweet Rottweiler looking for my new home. I am a mellow girl looking for a nice, calm home to shower me in love and affection. I have had a rough time in the past and have some hair loss right now which should be easily managed with regular and future flea treatment. I'd love to relax with walks in your neighborhood and some naps on a soft, cozy bed. I don't always like having my face handled, so I would do best in a home with older children (8+) who would respect my boundaries. I'm really just a lovebug and like to fully lean into you when you're giving me love. I'm about 4 years old and weigh 66 lbs. Come say hi to me!

"DIVA" VIDEO! sweetie brindle and white Pitbull

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

animal # 582440
Mcas weblink 

Diva loved her massage ( thank you ResQ Animal Massage!)
love her relaxed face shots

Hi there! My name is Diva and I'm looking for a new, loving home. I am a social lady that is lacking some self confidence and will need a family that can spoil me like the princess I am. I will need a secure, fenced yard and shouldn't be left outside while unsupervised, as I have been known to escape the yard in the past. I enjoy belly rubs, going for walks, and cuddling with my humans. Young children can also make me a little uncomfortable, so they will need to be at least 10 years old. Please come and meet my cute self today! I am about 9 years old and weigh 56 pounds.


"KIRA" says, "younger dogs can have white snouts too!"

Dec 2016

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 582772
Mcas weblink 

Hi there, I'm Kira. I might be 4 years old, but I don't know it. I'm an enthusiastic girl looking for someone to kiss and play with, that will show me the ropes on how to be a good companion. I'm 53 lbs of silliness and I love people, but I might be too much for small children as I can get a little enthusiastic and jumpy and have shown some food guarding here at the shelter. I would also likely do best as an only pet in my new home. Come say hi to me!


"MACHO MAN" funny lab/pitmix

Dec 2016

Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal id #581819

Hi I am Macho Man.
I am very high energy and would love to go for walks or runs with you in the great outdoors. If there is another dog in my new home, I would prefer a more active dog to match my energy and play style! I like to guard my food and so any children in my new home should be at least 6 years old. I love treats and can easily be trained with them, my favorite treat is cheese. I am 1 year old and weigh 45lbs.

nope.... not  feeling very "macho" for my photos today!



"REED" cuddlebug Pitbull knows "sit, down, and shake"

Dec 2016 
Available for adoption at Multnomah County Animal Services!

here's my Mcas weblink 
animal id # 582681

Hi there! My name is Reed and I'm a sweet Pitbull mix on the search for my new home. I'm really a big cuddle bug and I can't get enough love or attention from my people. I'm a smart distinguished fella, and I already know Sit, Down, and Shake! The shelter folks think that this older dog can learn even more new tricks with reward-based training. I can get a little excited and sometime jump up on people so I would probably do best in a home without very small children (8+). Think we could be a match? Stop by and say hello! I'm around 3 Years old and weigh 69 lbs.
So, Here are my Mug shots!  I bravely suffered through it

"MALONE" cool Pitmix

Dec 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

animal # 582711
Mcas weblink 

Hey my name's Malone, I'm kind of built like Stallone. I am about 4 years old and 85lbs of solid. I can be affectionate and calm and I know how to sit on command. When I was out and about I tangled with a blue magic marker and it won so it may take a while to wear off. I'm looking for a home without cats and may be particular about my doggie friends.

"BYRON" pretty awesome, shy All American Mix

Dec 2016 

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 582712
Mcas weblink  (11/28 adoption pending - check back)

Hi there! My name is Byron and I am looking for a new home! The shelter has been stressful for me and I have went from very shy, to calm and relaxed, to super excited..nice to meet you! I enjoy being active and love playing with toys. I can't wait to spend my evening cuddled next to you by the fireplace. Please come and meet me today! I am about 4 years and weigh 65 pounds

Saturday, November 12, 2016

"MICAH" nice Heeler/aussie mix

Nov 2016
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
animal # 581325
Mcas weblink (11/26 potential adopter pending dog meet)

Micah here! I'm just a sweet heeler/australian shepherd mix looking for a new home. I am a big lovebug and can't get enough attention from my people. What I'm looking for is a calm home where I can stretch out on my bed and get lots and lots of pets and affections from you! And definitely some walks around the neighbor so I can take in all the smells and sounds. I could potentially be with another dog but a meet would be required before I moved in. Based on my past history, the shelter is recommending that I go to a home without kids or with only adult children. My new adopter will also get a consult with our behavior specialist before taking me home! Come say hi! I'm 6 years old and weigh 47.5 lbs.