Thursday, January 29, 2015

"DAPHNE" and some hound friends ( at 2 different shelters)

Feb 11, 2015

Daphne is Available for Adoption with Oregon Humane Society!
Daphne - here's my OHS weblink
my animal id # is  165487

I just need a good friend (ok, not just that...but a hound experienced, committed, patient but wise, and active friend)
A loyal, committed to me all my life friend, who loves to get out into nature, and who appreciates a gentle hound dog who is a bit of a misfit in the rest of the world..... but is really trying :)

Daphne - here's my OHS weblink 
ohs id number 165487

An Ohs Volunteer dog runner took this great pic of Daphne in her element! thanks!!!
......and  a few other local shelter hound dogs:
Duke is ADOPTED!
Jan 29, 2015
 (4 yrs 5onths old, 53 lbs) 
here's my petfinder file

Feb 6, 2015 
very loving, a little shy 7 yrs old
ohs id # 140422
I'm at the Oregon Humane Society 

Jan 24, 2015
I'm BARBI (2 yrs old) - at Bonnie L Hayes, Washington County Animal Shelter  

Jan 26, 2015

 I'm KATIE-  (4 yrs old)

I'm with OHS - but I'm at the Lexidog Westside Adoption Center!


Monday, January 26, 2015

"FREDRICK" cool medium size mutt

Feb 6, 2015
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services

here's my MCAS weblink
animal id # 565534

Hello, my name is Fredrick! Are you looking for a new companion? Please come down and meet me! My new adopter should be active, patient and gentle. I have been described as a sensitive or cautious gentleman when first meeting people and I don't think its too much to ask for some space while I get to know you. I ask that any children in my new family be over the age of 10 and use positive training techniques to help boost my confidence. I am around a year and a half old and weigh 39 pounds




Sunday, January 25, 2015

"TATE - the perfect mellow guy

Feb 2015

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink 
id # 565259

Hi the names Tate, at least that’s what the shelter named me. I am a gentle gent looking to start my new life with you. At 10 years old and weighing in at 45 lbs I am the perfect mellow guy. Leisurely walks and big, cozy beds are what I'm looking for. The shelter does not know much about me but they did notice my keen interest in the smaller creatures. I might be a little too interested, if you know what I mean. Still interested? Please ask about me today



Saturday, January 24, 2015

"BLAIR" and "ROGER" some soft and friendly young Rabbits!

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!

Feb 2015
Blair  here's my MCAS weblink 

id # 565274

Blair is a young little rabbit, between 3-6 months old. He (was) a little shy around strange people but (is now quite outgoing) and warms up pretty quickly with some treats and a gentle touch. Not to mention he's pretty stinking cute! Blair is tidy for a little guy and using his litterbox quite well here! He will be neutered and microchipped as part of his adoption. Come meet this darling fluff-kin today!


Feb 2015
Roger  here's my MCAS weblink 
id # 565143
Roger is a grey and white, young male Rabbit. Not only is he as cute as a button, he's friendly and has excellent litterbox habits! He will make a lucky person or family a great little companion. He weighs about 6.9 lbs and will be neutered and microchipped as part of his adoption.
I'm a bit miffed at the camera in my space at the moment.... but I do love visitors and attention 

Friday, January 23, 2015

"ROSALYNN" charming hound dog

Feb 3, 2015

I need a Runner, or a good daily serious walker.....I think I might be good at fenced dog parks, but the shelter can tell more.  I was built to run and I need to get out and move, so I can be the best dog you know!
Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services

here's my MCAS weblink
animal id # 564398

Hello, my name is Rosalynn. I arrived at the shelter as a insecure stray dog in need of some groceries! My shelter friends have started me on the road to recovery and are hoping that a patient gentle new family can pick up where they left off. Have you ever had a hound before? Then you must know that we like to smell, smell, smell! My new family should use reward based training methods to help build my confidence with strangers, take me for lots of walks to explore the world and give me lots of love. Are you prepared for that? Please come down and meet me. I am around 3 years old and weigh 37 pounds. I am spayed.



"BRANDY" a distinguished salt and pepper golden eyed Hound/Lab mix

Feb 3, 2015

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services

here's my MCAS weblink
animal id # 565590

Hi there! My name's Brandy and I'm a spry old lady who is looking for a forever home of my own. I'm friendly and outgoing and like going for walks and meeting new people but am also content to spend an evening in with my family, cuddling and watching netflix. My coat is short and sleek and a distinguished salt and pepper color. I'm basically the female George Clooney of dogs in the looks dept. I haven't shown interest in the other dogs here at the shelter but I likely would do well with a easy going male dog. Don't look directly into my eyes or you just might fall in love. I am smart and motivated and would love to take a basic manners class, in fact my adoption fee is 50% off with proof of a pre-paid positive reinforcement training class! Hope to meet "the one" soon! I am around 10 years old and weigh 61 pounds



"CONRAD" Update! nice boy with gorgeous unique green eyes!

Feb 4, 2015

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink 
id # 565129

Pssst.  Hey.  You.  Over here.  Shhhhh.  Be cool.  Listen, my name is Conrad.  And I have selected you personally for a very special and life-altering mission.  It seems that I find myself in need of a new home, and I choose YOU to adopt ME.  If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a serious charmer who definitely gets by on both my great looks and my stellar personality.  What do you say?  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will come with life-long companionship, endless fun, some seriously goofy antics, and lots of people stopping you on the street to ask about my beautiful eyes.  We will want to take some time to figure out some allergy stuff, but once we do, I will be even more stunning than I am now.  I already know some tricks, but we should definitely learn more of them because I find that people really like when I do tricks.  Oh, and if you could scratch me, well then we will certainly be the best of friends.  I am around 3 years old and weigh 60 pounds.  So, uh, just walk quietly to a volunteer or the Info Desk and ask to see me outside of my kennel.  And remember, be cool.  This is a special secret mission meant only for you!

"ROSIE" darling Shih Tzu mix

Feb 2015

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services

here's my MCAS weblink
animal id # 565648

Hi my shelter name is Rosie, won't you ask about me? I am around 9 years old and weigh a mere 9.8 lbs. The shelter thinks I am blind so my needs are higher than your average older dog. I am here to tell you I am worth all the effort and care. Please ask for the details about my special health care needs. Like I said I am worth it

"MINDY" Timid terrier teenager needs confident dog companion (and you!)

TRANSFERRED to Pixie Project!

Available for Adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
 in a Foster home

Mindy's Mcas weblink
 id# 565176
Mindy is currently in foster care. If you are interested in her, contact Alix, the foster coordinator, at or 971-201-1513 to set up a time to meet her!  Mindi is a 7 month old, 6lb terrier mix. She came to the shelter very shy, and is in foster care building her confidence and learning that the world is not such a scary place. She is timid in new situations, and will need continued, long-term positive reinforcement training so that she grows up to be a happy, confident, well-adjusted adult :) Ask about Mindi today!


Thursday, January 22, 2015

"TATE" Part-Pittie, Part-Vulcan, all mellow awesomeness

Feb 2015
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink 
id # 565259

Hi the names Tate, at least that’s what the shelter named me. I am a gentle gent looking to start my new life with you. At 10 years old and weighing in at 45 lbs I am the perfect mellow guy. Leisurely walks and big, cozy beds are what I'm looking for. The shelter does not know much about me but they did notice my keen interest in the smaller creatures. I might be a little too interested, if you know what I mean. Still interested? Please ask about me today!


"AGGIE" mature and still peppy Chesapeake Retriever/Lab mix


Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink   (adoption pending 2/1)
id # 565355

Like fiddles and fine wine, dogs get better with a little bit of age. I am a sweet and still peppy girl looking for a home. I enjoy going for walks and sniffing out all things edible! I am looking for a soft bed and a quieter lifestyle. I am about 10 years of age and I hope you ask about me today!

a 5 Star ball catcher in my younger days!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"MIRANDA" entertaining Pitbull puppy

Jan30, 2015
Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink  
id # 565552

Hello, my name is Miranda! I am a cute young and beautiful lady that is looking for a new family. I arrived at the shelter with a patchy hair coat that my shelter friends have already started me on the path to recovery. With a good quality diet and consistent flea control my hair should grow back nicely. Enthusiastic, entertaining, confident and social are a few words to describe my personality. My adopter should be prepared to use positive training techniques for continued socialization, and guidance to help me become a well behaved companion. I will also need to slow introductions to other dogs to help build my confidence and skills with other dogs. The shelter is asking that any new children in my home be over the age of 8 and that my adopters sign us up for training classes to start our new life together. My adoption fee will be reduced if you provide a receipt and registration to a training class before taking me home. Interested in me? Please come down to the shelter and say hello. I am around 4 months old and weigh 23 pounds



"JULIANNE" shy chi puppy would love a canine companion

Jan 28, 2015

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
In a Foster Home
here's my Mcas weblink (1/27 it looks like this shy cute pup also has a potential adopter!)
id # 565489

 Julianne is an adorable tan and white chihuahua mix puppy. She is currently in foster care. If you are interested in her, contact Alix, the Foster Coordinator at or 503-988-6247 to set up a time to meet her. She is shy and timid and will need slow, postiive reinforcement and lots of socialization to learn that the world is not such a scary place. She would love a home with another dog to be friends with. She would benefit a lot from puppy classes. Ask about Julianne today!


"SIMON" a Shy, snaggle toothed, Turtle Terrier mix

TRANSFERRED to Oregon Humane Society!
Jan 31, 2015

Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
here's my Mcas weblink 
id # 565483

Hey there, my name is Simon. I'm some sort of terrier mix. I am about 2 years old and weigh 24lbs. I'm like a turtle and if I had a shell I'd be hiding it because I don't care for the noise and commotion at the shelter, but really I'm a pretty good guy. Because I'm not really showing my true personality, the shelter strongly recommends that if there are kids in my new home that they are 12 & up and will respect my need for some time to adjust.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"BRAYDEN" silly playful Chi puppy


Available for adoption with Multnomah County Animal Services!
in a Foster home
here's my Mcas weblink   (1/27 Braden has possible adopter)
id # 565129ll

Brayden is an adorable 7lb black and tan chihuahua mix. He is currently in foster care. If you are interested in him, contact Alix, the Foster Coordinator, at or 503-988-6247 to set up a time to meet him. He came to MCAS as a shy guy, but is coming out of his shell more and more every day. He is a sweet, playful guy who loves to give kisses. He would benefit from puppy classes. Ask about Brayden today!