Sunday, August 31, 2014

"GARRISON' jack russell terrier mixes rock!


here's my MCAS weblink

Hello, my name is Garrison! I am a handsome boy that is ready for a new family! I mat seem like one of the calmer kids in our class but once I get home I like to let it all hang out. We Jack's are a busy breed and need approved jobs to do for you.


I have been social with my shelter friends. Do you have time in your life for me? I am around 4 years old and weigh 14 pounds

Monday, August 25, 2014

"PEACHES" (aka Trina) gentle Brindle Pitbull

here's my MCAS weblink 

Hello, my name is Peaches. I am a skinny lady who is looking for a home. My shelter friends don't know much about my past life but its fairly obvious that I've been lacking some groceries.

An active family who can help boost my confidence with people and has no other dogs in the home is perfect for me! I also prefer older children, I avoid the youngsters!. Please come down to see if were a match. I am around 2 years old and weigh 46 pounds

"PETUNIA" adorable Boxer mix


here's my MCAS weblink

My name is Petunia, but I am no delicate flower! I am a wiggly and active young lady looking for a home to call my own. I know sit, but it would be great if you could help me learn some more obedience and help me improve my manners! Please ask to meet me today! I am about 1-1/2 years old and I weigh 51lbs.



Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"REGGIE" cheerful and jaunty little Terrier


here's my MCAS weblink

I am one of those cheerful and jaunty little gentlemen who has found myself in need of a home. I like being with my person and I generally am a friendly guy. I may need a little extra help being brave when meeting new people, but I will quickly be in their lap. The shelter is suggesting a home with no kids under the age of 8 years and possibly no cats. I am about 5 years of age and I weigh a stout 19lbs. Ask about me today!



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

"ABBY" happy Lab teenager


here's my MCAS weblink 

Abby is a young and active lab mix looking for a loving and dedicated home to help her grow into the best dog ever! She knows sit, but has a bit of a time staying in a sit and likes to jump up! Taking her to positive obedience classes will go a long way to helping her learn how to communicate with people and gain confidence!
 At 6 months old she is still a puppy. She weighs a long & lean 45 pounds. Please ask to meet her today!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

"ELSA" pretty blue eyed mix


here's my MCAS weblink

Hello, my name is Elsa! I am a pretty girl who has landed herself homeless. My shelter friends don't know what my past experience has been like but based on the behavior I have been exhibiting here it seems I haven't had the best start in life. I have been shy of strangers, new environments and reactive to other dogs in the kennel. I have bonded quickly with my handler and will likely do the same with my new adopter.

An active family with no other dogs who is dedicated to keeping me safe and using reward based training to teach me good skills is what I'm seeking. Do you sound like a good match for me? I am around 1 year old and weigh 40 pounds

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

"TILLY" cute cattle dog/terrier mix


here's my MCAS weblink

Tilly is my name, and I am about the sweetest little dog you will ever meet! I came into the shelter after someone tied me to a tree in a park. Well, here I one came to get me at the shelter and now I am on adoption and waiting to me you, and I will make you an excellent companion!





 My skin was in rough condition from lack of flea control, but I am on the mend and will be looking gorgeous soon! Please ask to meet me! I am about 7 years old and I 24 weigh lbs.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"HALEY" sweetheart Shih Tzu mix


here's my MCAS weblink

I am sweet little lady looking for someone to be my friend and family. I came to the shelter in rough shape but the staff here have gotten a jumpstart on my care and I need someone who will take it from here. I will need an adopter who is financially comfortable taking care of my needs. 


 I am a sweetheart but I may find a home with children under 10 years a little overwhelming. I am about 6 years of age and I weigh a thin 10lbs. Please ask about adopting or FOSTERING me today!

"CLEMENTINE" the Fabulous adorable Rottie/Boxer mix!

 Isn't it time to visit Clementine at Family Dogs? She's looking forward to meeting you! 
update -  8/31 YES! so very happy to see that sweet  Clementine was adopted today from Family Dogs Shelter !!!
"new Adopters"..  please take really good care of Clementine!


Rottweiler + Boxer Mix
5 years old
57 pounds

Oh my darling, Oh my darling, Oh my Darling Clementine! You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine. I love that song! Mainly because it has my name in it, but it’s kind of a sad song. Oh well, life isn’t always rainbows and candy. It kinda makes you appreciate the good times you have when a little melancholy saunters through your life. But I could really use one of those rainbows about now. I feel a little lost and would love the opportunity to share all the love I have to give. I have had some ups and downs in my life, and I’d really like to walk on the straight path. I have never really had consistency in my life, so it’s about time I find some security. Someone that can be consistent with me. I really love treats and listen well, I just really wanna do whatever kinda stuff you want to teach me! I do get pretty nervous and uneasy when put in stressful situations, so I am looking for a home with children 10+. I have lived with cats before and don’t really mind it, so I can put that on my resume, I suppose. And I absolutely love to have other dogs to play with! I have been crate trained for a while so I have that down pretty well. Maybe someone out there can give this southern girl another chance at love? It sure would do me good, and I might just brighten your world in a way you never expected.
5 yrs-57lbs. My adoption fee is $180 and includes: microchip, spay, reduced cost training class, 1 month pet health insurance, free veterinary exam , leash/collar, food sample, toy & treat packet
clementine189 clementine184

this is Clementine when she was still at MCAS, before being transferred.  Sweet dog!!
Hello, my name is Clementine! I have arrived at the shelter because my family is unable to take care of me. They report that I have lived with cats, can live with other respectful dogs after a slow introduction, and really like attention! Although I've already reached the age of maturity, I could use some guidance on house training and an active owner who can keep me out of trouble!


The shelter is asking that my new family have no children under 10 and can use reward base training methods only. Please come down and meet me! I am around 5 years old and weigh 60 pounds

"GRETEL" your "one and only" charming Yorkie mix


here's my MCAS weblink

Gretel is a tan and silver female Yorkshire Terrier mix. She is approximately 5 years old and weighs about 13.7 lbs. All you need is to look into her adorable little face, you will be as charmed by her as we are. Gretel would like a home where she would be an only pet because she doesn't want to share her people with other pets.

 The shelter recommends a private lesson with a trainer so a new owner can properly work with Gretel to teach her to walk calmly past other dogs. Gretel is not suited to apartment living as she does bark at noises.

"MANNY" lovely sensitive Doberman


here's my MCAS weblink 

Manny is my name, and I am a handsome gentleman who ended up in the shelter after I was abandoned by my owners. I am sweet as can be and a mature guy looking for a stable home to let me settle in. Won't you give me a chance to steal your heart?! Please ask to meet me today. I am about 5 years old and I weigh 85lbs.


Monday, August 11, 2014

"BRONY" cute little guy wants a quiet home


here's my MCAS weblink

Hello, my name is Brony. I am about 5 years old and weigh slightly under 10 pounds. My original owner fell on hard times was unable to care for me. It's a big scary world out there and I could really use a home with patient owners who will build up my self-confidence using reward based training methods. 




 I lived with another dog but may not do well with one in my new home. Please ask the shelter staff about my history with other dogs. Because I have shown signs of being frightened when handled, the shelter recommends a quiet adult home or if there are kids in my new home that they are 12 or older and understand that being loud is not my cup of tea. Slow, steady and quiet is what I would like in a new home.

"LITTLE BEAR" cute Pomeranian mix


here's my MCAS weblink

Hello all my name is Little Bear, fits right? A nice family found me on the streets and took me in . They want you to know I have good house manners and I am the consummate lap dog.

I am a bit of a talker so am apartment life is probably not the best choice for me. I am around years old and weigh in at 11 lbs. Do I sound like a good match to you? Please ask about me today.

'HANK" Doxie/Chi mix -nice guy, he keeps trying


here's my MCAS weblink

Hello world my name is Hank and I want your attention.

I have good house manners, love walks, car rides and get along with most dogs I meet but strangers leaning over me and trying to touch me just frankly scares me. 


I am not what you would call an ideal first time dog owner dog. I have knocked about recently, never really feeling secure. I guess I really need that special family, you know the one with no young children and time to let me settle in.
Do you think you have the right home situation for this 11 lb weary 5 year old?

"ERMETTE" ? aka "Erma" looks like a pretty French mastiff mix


With her gorgeous red hair and cute smooshy upturned mug (and wonderful smile) Erma should have been adopted in a day!

here's my MCAS weblink

Hello my shelter name is Erma, so good to meet you. I am around 5 years old and weigh in at 56 lbs. I am a special girl looking for that special home. Frankly I am hoping you will dazzled by my good looks and willing to consult with a private trainer to polish off my rough edges. (ps a volunteer mentioned that I can walk very well on a leash!) 


My breed is a bit of a mystery so feel free to guess to your hearts content. Please ask about me today.