Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"OZZIE" happy goodnatured Lab - ADOPTED AGAIN!


OK  Folks, send good thoughts my way, that my Home will love and commit to me and keep me forever!!!

Hello, my name is Ozzy! I'm here at the shelter looking for a new family and sadly this isn't my first time. I've actually been passed around way too many times for different circumstances and if you adopt me that will make you my 5th family that the shelter has history of. You can see why we are all hoping that this will be my final transition! An active family with no children under 8 who can dedicate themselves into loving me forever is all I'm really asking for!


Exercise, training, and a trusting relationship through positive training methods should ensure that I will become one awesome and loyal companion! The shelter will require we attend a class together to get started off on the right path! Please come down and meet me! I am around 2 years old and weigh 70 pounds Here's my MCAS weblink

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"CALVIN" sweet mature Poodle mix


I am a handsome and mature gentleman looking for a lap of my own! My foster mom says that I am perfect, and I agree! I pretty much like to sleep all day, but when you are ready for a walk then I am too! I do well with other dogs, but would really like a home with another mature dog who doesn't bug me to play too much. I do well with children, but those little ones under 6 would not be a good match for me. If you would like to meet me, please contact the foster coordinator Donna at 503-545-3021 or!


Monday, November 25, 2013

"TARGET" velcro boy


Hello, my name is Target! I am a sweetheart of a boy who has been raised as a well loved member of the family. I lived with another dog and went to the dog park alot and loved my canine sibling. 


 I am looking for a home without cats, or children under the age of 12. Sadly I was already adopted once but returned for not working out with young children. I am housetrained, need lots of exercise and things to do! With some patience and dedication, I could be the best companion ever! The shelter will require that we attend a private consultation to help me transition into your home smoothly. 
 Ask about me today! I am 1 year of age and I weigh 51lbs. Here's my MCAS weblink

"SKYLER" super nice boy, wants a friend!

Skylar has a very cute "high five." 
I will excel as your running partner or athletic training friend! I am in the prime of my life and need to stay active to stay happy. Reward based training will increase our bond and the line of communication. 

My ideal adopter would be someone who enjoys taking training with their dog or at least enjoys teaching a dog new things. I have been a little nervous about some of the barking dogs in the shelter, even the little ones! I am hoping that if you have another dog, she is a sturdy but calm girl. 

I am about 2 years of age and weigh a thin 60lbs. Ask about me today! Here's my MCAS weblink

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"CHARLIE" cute older Lab mix

Hi there, looking for an older gent to hold down your carpet. Hey that's me, Charlie!



I'm an 8 year old lab/shepherd mix and except for being a little thin, I'm in pretty darn good shape. Just because I'm older doesn't mean I'm not up for regular walks.
 I'm just a nice guy looking for a home to match my personality. If there are kids in my new home the shelter says they should be 12 years or older. Ask to see me - I'm waiting for you. Here's my MCAS weblink

Friday, November 22, 2013

"SHASHA" always has a big smile!


Hello, my name is Shasta! Its easy to tell that I am not a can of soda for sale however I am a cute dog that is looking for a new family! Some might even say that I am refreshing.  Maturity seems to have suited me well.



I am gentle, low activity level, housetrained, and just an all around great companion that needs a loving family with no children under 10. A friendly respectful male dog might be okay but no feline friends in my new home.
Please come down to the shelter and meet me! I am around 6 years old and weigh 54 pounds. Here's my MCAS weblink

"LUCKY" cool Jack Russell Terrier!!


 Hello, my name is Lucky! If you are a jack russell fan, please come down and meet me! I am a compact little girl who is full of energy and personality!

My previous family is no longer able to take care of me and are hoping that I can find someone with no children under 10 who is dedicated to providing lots of exercise and attention! Like any self respecting jack russell, there should be no small animals in my new home!

Don't pass by my kennel, ask the information desk if a volunteer can take me outside! I am around 5 years old and weigh 23 pounds.
Here's my MCAS weblink

Thursday, November 21, 2013

EMMA" - a silly playful sweetie with time to adjust


Hello, my name is Emma! I have to admit that when I arrived at the shelter, I was overwhelmed and scared! After lots of food, time to adjust and lots of work from shelter volunteers, I have blossomed into a social butterfly!


Because of my initial worried feelings, I ask that my new family have no children under 10 and that they are ready to take a class together!

Are you interested in adopting me? Please come down to the shelter and see if we are a match! I am around 4 years old and weigh 52 pounds. Here's my MCAS weblink

" PETEY" short and and cuddly 1 yr old Pitpup!


Hello, my name is Petey! I had an awesome start with socialization to people and other dogs and now I am looking for you to help me on my journey to become a well trained companion! 


Positive training methods to teach me all sorts of tricks and help re-direct my exuberance into good social manners will also be important.

The shelter will require we attend a class together to make sure I transition into my new home successfully! Are you ready to show the community that pit bulls are great dogs?!

Please come ask about me! I am around 1 year old and weigh 52 pounds. Here's my MCAS weblink


"SUGAR "darling, easy going little Pittie girl


I am as sweet as Sugar. A nice easy going gal who will do well in almost any home. I can be active, and then I can nap all day:)


 I play well with other dogs that are respectful and are not too rough. Cats, well I am not sure about those.

If you are looking for a fun loving gal, please ask to meet me today!  I am about 6 years and weigh 48lbs. Here's my MCAS weblink

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"CLARA"- Holiday Queen


Clara is a delightful calm, and also happy companion, who prefers to look "serious" most of the time...
guess she feels it will attract the best home? Hope so!!!!) Clara loves people and tolerates her " subjects." :)   This isn't to say that Clara can't live with another dog maybe?  (no CATS!) Please come visit her, she is a gem!

Hi there!! I am a good looking dog just waiting to be found by the perfect home!  I have an outstanding and affectionate personality!

I would sometimes prefer that dogs keep their distance from me until I am sure. I like to avoid them when I can and the shelter staff says I have been a model resident during my stay.   

 I am about years of age and I weigh a healthy 57lbs. Here's my MCAS weblink

"GILLIGAN" funny, serious? lively!! bobbed tail brindle Doxie mix


What am I? Well, the best we can figure is part doxie, part adorable, with a touch of mischievous! I am also silly and active and looking for a home with no children under 8 that can keep up! I may be small but I am best suited for an active or 'big dog' lifestyle, no couch potato here! 


 The shelter will require that we take classes together so I can keep up on those good skills. I was adopted as a puppy and sadly it wasn't the right match, they reported that I am housetrained and good with other dogs.

  I am a wonderful little guy and will be the light of your life! I am around 3 years old and weigh 18 lbs. Ask about me today! Here's  my MCAS weblink

Saturday, November 16, 2013

"IRIS" a a gentle older lady Cattle Dog/SharPei mix!


Hello, my name is Iris! Are you looking for a sweet older companion to love? I arrived at the shelter in good spirits but without a family!


Now I'm looking for a family with no children under 8 that can provide me with the luxury all seniors deserve! Please come down to the shelter and meet me!
I am around years old and weigh pounds. Here's my MCAS weblink

"MAISY" a lovely senior Chocolate Lab gal

ADOPTED!!! by her wonderful foster home:)

This gal just needs a loving caring home to give her everything she deserves in her senior years. You couldn't ask for a sweeter old dog!



I am a rip roaring lady of mature years! I may be 'up there', but I am still spry and full of beans! I love my food, going for walks, and big soft dog beds near wherever my person is. I am looking for that special person who will look past my grey muzzle and into my bright soul. I am about 10 years of age and I weigh 65lbs.

"CARLY - gorgeous redhead mix!


I am a GOOD DOG! I know my basic skills and I will enjoy daily chances to exercise and burn off any excess energy. I am looking for a home who will be careful about keeping gates closed and locked and including me as an indoor family member.



It may take me a certain amount of time before it seems like I am 'bonding' with you, but its just because I don't know who my real friends are anymore. 
I am a smart dog and I just want a steady place to lay my head. I am about 7 years of age and I weigh a healthy 60 lbs. Ask about me today! Here's my MCAS weblink

Friday, November 15, 2013

"MIKEY' I vibrate with life!


Hello world. I was named by the shelter staff Mikey. A cute name for a cute boy like me. You will be able to reap the benefits of knowing me better since I stayed with a very nice family that found me running the streets. They kept me for a couple of weeks hoping my owners would show up but alas they did not. They did tell the staff here that I had great house manners and know some amusing tricks.


 I played with both cats and dogs, although sometimes I got a little too excited and was rough but a well supervised and slow introduction should go well for me.
I was also around children and played nicely with them.
So you see I am a well rounded boy. I suggest you ask about me today.

 I am a white and black neutered male Terrier mix, approximately 5 years old and weigh about 16.5 lbs. Here's my MCAS weblink