Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"BUDDA" sensitive and smart

Hello, my name is Budda. I am a smart sensitive boy who is ready to start a new life with You!



 I know how to sit, shake, hi-five, and down and I'm house and crate trained. I already know a lot and am ready to continue learning and bonding with new family members.

I'm an awesome smart and  sensitive guy! Here's my MCAS weblink to learn more about me!

"NICKY" goofy playful lovable little pitbull mix


I am a dynamite young man looking for someone who will continue my training and keep me well exercised.   


I already have a good head start but I am still young and need to continue my education.  The shelter will require that we take classes as part of my adoption and I promise to be the star pupil! I am just a teenager and will do best in a home who will keep me busy and invest in daily training and exercise. I am full of beans and ready to go! I am about 1 year of age and I weigh a healthy 43lbs.

Hope to see you soon!  Here is my MCAS weblink:

"NEMA" sweet old Lady


My name is Nema, and I am a sweet ol gal looking for a place to retire. I am a bit long in the tooth, but I still have a lot of love to give to the right family. Gentle creatures like myself will return your love two fold. That's a promise!


Please consider giving me a safe place to live and a warm heart to embrace. I am around 12 years old and weigh 57 pounds. Ask about me today!  http://www2.co.multnomah.or.us/AnimalWeb/ADODetail.aspx?id=502281

"CEDAR" solid as a rock

Whoever adopts this dog is one lucky duck... 

"Cedar" is a young, lovely gentleman, who is eager to please and with some reward based training and a little guidance, he is well on his way to being an ambassador for all shelter dogs!

Cedar is 9 months old, gentle, playful, active and very ready to learn!  What a lovely boy!

Dedicated dog owners only!  This boy is absolutely lovely.  Meet him at MCAS today!

View his online profile here:

" CELIA" a short adorable Black Lab type mix


I howl like a hound when I'm sad.....I have short chubby body and a pretty face.  I'm quite the mix, and quite the catch :)


Come meet me at MCAS!  Here's my weblink to find out more:

" HARMONY" white German Shepherd mix


Hello German Shepherd fans, I sure hope I catch your eye. A breed savvy home would be a big plus for me. I exhibit many Shepherd traits like my eager to please personality, strong loyalty and smarts! I also think it's my job to protect my property. I will let you know if someone is outside, thus no apartments for me. I'm enjoying my time at InBark doggie daycare. I love playing with other dogs but have a rough play style that will require a well matched canine companion. I'm slow to trust new people but once you're in my inner circle I'll nudge you for head scratches and impress you with my silly summersaults of joy. I'm house trained, crate trained, easy on leash and enjoying my field trips with my foster family. I'm seeking a family with children 12+ who will continue socializing me and using gentle, positive reinforcement training. I've had so much change in my life recently that I really don't like to be left alone. My new family will need to understand how to deal with my anxiety and continue to work on desensitizing me to your departure and return. Did I mention I love my people and is it so wrong that I want to be with them!? The shelter will require that my new family sign me up for classes to assure we get off on the right paw. I'm a lovely girl that has had a rough start but I'm sure ready to shine and be your loyal and loving canine companion! To learn more contact the shelter at 503 988-7387 x 25242


Monday, April 29, 2013

"MELVIN" happy little mix


I am a young dude looking to catch a break. I am small but sturdy and I am looking for an active home. I am only about 1 year of age and will need continued training and daily exercise. I am cute and compact but I love to walk on my own four feet! 


The shelter will require that we take classes as part of my adoption and I will have so much fun learning new stuff with you! I am a slightly growing 9lbs.

I look forward to meeting you!    Here's my MCAS weblink:

PRIMROSE & PETUNIA thick as thieves


Sisters "Primrose" & "Petunia" are as bonded a pair as they come.  

They stick together like glue, and are as sweet as they are mellow.  These gals are gentle, calm and loving, and they are looking for the same in their new forever home.

These gals don't HAVE to be adopted together, but they sure would love to stay as a pair.  They have wonderful house manners, and enjoy gentle daily walks.  These gals are low energy, yet they still have a zest for life at 9 years old.  

Meet them today at Multnomah County Animal Services.  

View their online profiles here
and here

Saturday, April 27, 2013

"PETE" mini Shepherd?


"I tried so hard to grow into a German Shepherd... That's ok. Good things come in small packages-- like me!"

I am the perfect size for family fun and nighttime snuggling! I am young, sturdy, and active and will need someone willing to continue my training. My cheerful and outgoing nature will provide years of love and laughter :)


The shelter will require that we take classes as part of my adoption and I cannot wait to learn with my new family. I am about 1 and a half years of age and I weigh 16lbs. Please ask about me today!

"CHARLOTTE" chubby Chi mix with fabulous wing ears!


Who knows what Charlotte's breed mix is, but she is sure cute! 
She enjoys sniffing new areas - maybe some Beagle in the mix?

I am a sturdy and cheerful little dog looking for a home who wants a dog with some pluck! I am outgoing, adorable, and just the right size for just about any home. I am the perfect age of 3 years and in good health at just over 13lbs. 

I am also a beautiful dog whose personality shines inside and out. Please ask about me today!  Here's  my MCAS weblink:

Friday, April 26, 2013

"LUCY' the new Lucy! Aussie mix


Lucy the Aussie mix is a delightful and easy going red and white Australian Shepherd mix and she loves people.



Here is Lucy's MCAS weblink!   http://www2.co.multnomah.or.us/AnimalWeb/ADODetail.aspx?id=79714

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"SHILO" this Hound/Lab mix rocks!

Please tell your friends to go see him there?
Shilo is a sweetie!!!


Are you looking for an awesome companion boy?  Shilo is a JOY to be with and a smart and personable guy! He might be barking in his kennel - but that's not the dog he really is - he's a chilled out sweetheart, and loves his friends, loves attention and is very engaging.  Shilo is tall, with hair a bit longer than most hounds (maybe some Lab in there?)    He sure is nice! 



"MAYBELLE" gorgeous red and white Pitbull


My name is Maybelle, a sweet and sassy gal looking for a new home. The best thing about mature dogs like me, well no puppy training! I will sleep through the night, hopefully on your bed or one close by.

 I know who I am and you know what you are getting! Of course I will need my fair share of exercise, but I will also enjoy lounging around with my family. Please ask to meet me today, you will not regret it! I am 3 years old and weigh 61 lbs.

"DUCHESS" lively young Lab mix!


I am looking for my new best friend. I don't ask for much...I am young and still finding my way. Your patience and daily exercise will strengthen our bond and teach me to feel safe. I have some great basic obedience but I do best with reward based training.


  I have not always been handled gently and I need you to teach me that people can be trusted. I am friendly and social and outgoing. I may be a bit much for kids under the age of 10 years or a home with cats. A tolerant older dog my size would be a great companion and playmate but I really want a human to bond with. I am about 1 year of age and I weigh a healthy 58lbs. Please ask about me today!

Friday, April 19, 2013

"HERCULES" a chihuahua!


I am a macho, macho man! A little stud muffin. A bandit who will steal your heart. I am all of that wrapped up into an 11 pound package!

I am a great companion for someone who wants an active dog who does not take up much space. I am a small dog but not a fragile dog. I need some continued housetraining and the shelter staff have been talking about something called a 'belly band' to keep my leg lifting from ruining your furniture. I am about 2 years of age. Ask about me today!

Here's my MCAS weblink:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"MOLLY gorgeous, young and silly!


Are you looking for a super smart and outgoing young dog? Are you ready to take me for daily runs and give me the life that all dogs deserve?  Then we should really get to know each other!

  I am a young girl in the prime of my life who is looking for a fresh start. The shelter will require that we take classes together as part of my adoption and I will be the star student! I am looking for a cat free home but a well matched canine friend could be fun! I am about 2 years old and I weigh 48 lbs

I'm delightful, come see me! Here is my MCAS weblink

"TRUCKER" Little Chi - homeward bound?


I am just a little trooper!  I came to the shelter as a lost dog after I was beat up by another dog. I am healing up really well and looking for a home of my own. 

The shelter staff think I am a pretty neat little guy but I am still cautious about meeting new people and other dogs. I am looking for a home with a single person, couple, or family with kids over the age of 10 years. I am the perfect age of about 3 years and I am a sturdy 7lbs. Please ask about me today!