Friday, December 30, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR from MCAS volunteers!!!

Congratulations to all the staff and volunteers at MCAS for an absolutely exceptional year!!  Some of the highlights this year:

MCAS volunteer coordinators and trainers have re-vamped the OPEN PAW program, and volunteer numbers are at an all-time high!  Join us and work with amazing dogs here!

Over 115 dogs were saved thanks to MCAS's incredible dog fosters.  Foster coordinator Angela Lindbo expressed her gratitude:

  "It's wonderful to see these dogs all enriched through our fostering, and transformed from homeless to beloved family members."

One fact is true: fostering saves lives!  I hope to report this time next year that we have saved twice as many dogs through our fostering program.  Help us make that happen, and make a difference here!

MCAS hired a fantastic new trainer Cindy Bruckhart, CPDT, referred by the mac daddy himself, Dr. Ian Dunbar!  Cindy and level 3 volunteers have made incredible strides with dog playgroups and  evaluations.  I have learned so much working with Cindy, and I am so grateful to her and MCAS for such an amazing opportunity.  


Sunday, December 18, 2011

"CUPID" a heart-shaped pitbull with wings


As you can imagine, "Cupid" is a darling of a dog, only put on this earth to love and be loved.  His charming personality, incredible vocabulary (sit, down, shake, catch, speak) and tiny little compact body (47lbs) will make your heart feel like it's swelling up inside your ribcage and exploding into your ears and toes!

Cupid is looking for an active, and loving forever home that will keep him well exercised and out and about to make other canine friends.

Meet Cupid at Multnomah County Animal Shelter today! 

View his online profile here:

"MORKIE" from the planet Orkie


Valentine's Day has arrived early this year!  Meet the love of your life "Morkie!"  This one year old fella is enthusiastic about life, but still hasn't seen it all, so new situations paired with lots of praise and free treats is exactly what he needs.

Morkie is a great contender for agility training.  MCAS will require that he, and his new person, (you!) take level one training, but Morkie learns fast and he would love to continue into specialty training like agility work.

All you bonafide Jim Henson fans out there should be knocking down the MCAS doors for this muppet!

View Morkie's online profile here:

"MIKEY" smiles for miles


"Mikey" smiles all the time, and has lots to do!  This 2 year old likes to stay busy, exercise regularly and work his mindgrapes with lots of training.

Mikey will do great in any home that will make sure he gets the training he needs and daily exercise.

Mikey is available for interviews and autographs at Multnomah County Animal Shelter.  

View his online profile here:

"MATTIE" Beagle sweetness



"Mattie" is an active, and mature lady with lots of personality!  She wows crowds with her many tricks: sit, down, shake, roll over...

Mattie is looking for a loving, forever home without cats, who will keep her healthy and happy as an indoor companion.  She would love a mellow canine pal and a soft, warm bed.  Please give her a chance, she certainly deserves it!

View her online profile here:

"CURIOUS" but not a George!


This extremely polite and well-mannered fella is "Curious," a handsome Rhodesian Ridgeback mix, who knows sit, shake, and he is very pleased to meet you!  Don't mistake him for just another guy...he's got a special place in MCAS volunteer's hearts!

Curious is an active 5 years old, but experienced enough to make a fantastic indoor companion. 

Meet this sweet guy at Multnomah County Animal Shelter.  His bark may be big, but he is a heart-melter!  Really fantastic dog!  View his online profile here:

"BO" expert in fluffiness


This amazing fluffball is "Bo," a gorgeous Shetland Sheepdog with enough hair to make Burt Reynolds jealous.  Bo is very well-mannered, and has lived with dogs and cats and is very friendly with people.

Bo will make a loyal, loving companion, and all he asks in return is to be well cared for in a forever loving home, as an indoor companion.

View Bo's online profile here:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

"CHARLIE" a charlie brown xmas

This chocolate pittyX is "Charlie," a young pup who is as smart as he is sweet.  Charlie loves learning with positive reinforcement training, and he has plenty of energy to learn more!  

His ideal home will continue with his training as well as give him plenty of opportunity with physical exercise.  Watch his music video here:

Charlie is hoping for a loving forever home this holiday.  Give this young 8 month old boy a chance at a new life, he certainly deserves it!

View Charlie's online profile here:

"JASPER" a perfect gentleman


"Jasper" is a handsome, and sweet boy pitty who loves other dogs and is a volunteer favorite!  This gentle soul is quiet and well-behaved, and incredibly smart.  Jasper is an enthusiastic student of Open Paw Training, and has learned a lot in his few weeks at MCAS shelter.

Jasper will thrive in any active, and loving home with children over 6, as an indoor companion.  Please consider Jasper as your next adoption!

View his music video below:

View Jasper's online profile here:

"DEWEY" puppy gumdrops!


Folks, does your heart feel like it's growing peachfuzz, and swelling up like a cantaloupe in your ribcage?  yea, me too!  It's "DEWEY!"  I love this guy...please someone pick him up and take him home before I do!!!!!!

He's perfect!  View his online profile here:

"DOVE" a sweet angel


Meet "Dove," she is a volunteer favorite and just about the sweetest thing you will ever meet.  

She has delicate long legs, resembling a greyhound, and walks like she's on air.  Dove is making incredible progress in her foster home.  You see, she is just a little shy and still getting used to everyday sights and sounds.  

She is 100% crate trained.  Looking at her handler for guidance, she walks like a charm on leash!

View her online profile here:

Friday, December 16, 2011

"ROSALEE" look at me!


Rosalee is ready to show the world how amazing pit bulls are, and is searching for an owner who will set her up with all the tools she will need for success!  

Training classes, exercise, chew toys, and puzzle toys is how she would love to spend her time!  And of course sleeping & eating!

This sweet love is about 2 years old and 65 lbs.  View her online profile here:

"HOLLY" holiday cheer!


Miss "Holly" always has a smile on her face and has plenty of spunk for her 9 years.  This sweet, gentle lab is perfect for a loving family looking for a loyal, mellow, indoor companion.

Who can resist that face?  Only a scrooge!  Adopt sweet "Holly" today and make all your holiday dreams come true!  WATCH HER MUSIC VIDEO:

View her online profile here:

"LONGFELLOW" a linear heritage

Okay, so i have no idea where the name "Longfellow" comes from..... but the name certainly suits this spectacular dog!
He is substantially smart, cute to boot, and .... already has a great name!!!

Longfellow walks great on the leash, and seems just fine with other dogs.  He would love to live with a female canine companion and a home with children over 8 years old.

Are you "Longfellow's" answer to a second chance at life? Meet the polite and charming Longfellow at Multnomah County Animal Shelter today!!